Gideon Greenspan

Developer, entrepreneur and lecturer. Originally from London and now in Tel Aviv.

Coin Sciences

As of March 2014, I am the founder / CEO of Coin Sciences Ltd, which develops the MultiChain blockchain platform.

Other Projects

A bunch of stuff I conceived and developed (sometimes with others) since 2003:

  • Copyscape. Search engine for textual plagiarism, used by millions worldwide.
  • Web Sudoku. Web's most popular sudoku site, millions of users monthly.
  • Question2Answer. Open source platform for Q&A, running on ~25,000 sites.
  • Family Echo. Online family tree editor, with ~200k monthly visits.
  • Siteliner. Whole website analysis, finds duplicate content, broken links and more.
  • Magic Baby Names. Recommendation engine for baby names, A bit of fun, ~250k monthly visits.
  • Giga Alert. Monitors search terms and emails new pages found.
  • Older: Sig Software, no longer in active development.


© Gideon Greenspan 2022

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