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Christopher Doss, Erin Fahle, Susanna Loeb, and Ben York (2017). Supporting Parenting through Differentiated and Personalized Text-Messaging: Testing Effects on Learning During Kindergarten

Ben York, and Susanna Loeb (2017). One Step at a Time: The Effects of an Early Literacy Text Messaging Program for Parents of Preschoolers

Sherri C. Widen & James A. Russell (2015). Do Dynamic Facial Expressions Convey Emotions to Children Better than Do Static Ones? Journal of Cognition and Development

Mary Kayyal, Sherri Widen, and James A. Russell (2015). Context Is More Powerful Than We Think: Contextual Cues Override Facial Cues Even for Valence. American Psychological Association

Mary Kayyal, and Sherri Widen (2015). What Made Sahar Scared?: Imaginary and Realistic Causes in Palestinian and American Children’s Concept for Fear. Journal of Cognition and Culture

Sherri C. Widen, Joseph T. Pochedly, and James A. Russell (2015). The development of emotion concepts: A story superiority effect in older children and adolescents. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

Mary H. Kayyal, Sherri C. Widen (2013). Monsters and Growling Dogs: A Dual-Source Theory of the Child's Concept of Fear. Psychological Topics 22

Nicole M. Trauffer, Sherri C. Widen, James A. Russell (2013). Education and the Attribution of Emotion to Facial Expressions. Psychological Topics

Sherri C. Widen, Joseph T. Pochedly, Kerrie Pieloch, and James A. Russell (2013). Introducing the sick face. Motiv Emot

Sherri C. Widen (2013). Children’s Interpretation of Facial Expressions: The Long Path from Valence-Based to Specific Discrete Categories. Emotion Review

Sherri C. Widen, and James A. Russell (2013). Children’s Recognition of Disgust in Others. Psychological Bulletin

Michelle Yik, Sherri C. Widen, and James A. Russell (2013). The within-subjects design in the study of facial expressions. Cognition and Emotion

Joseph T. Pochedly, Sherri C. Widen, and James A. Russell (2012). What Emotion Does the “Facial Expression of Disgust” Express? American Psychological Association

Sherri C. Widen, and Pamela Naab (2012). Can an anger face also be scared? Malleability of facial expressions. ResearchGate

Sherri C. Widen, Anita M. Christy, Kristen Hewett, and James A. Russell (2011). Do proposed facial expressions of contempt, shame, embarrassment, and compassion communicate the predicted emotion?. Psychology Press

Sherri C. Widen, and James A. Russell (2011). In Building a Script for an Emotion, Do Preschoolers Add Its Cause Before Its Behavior Consequence?. Social Development

Sherri C. Widen, and James A. Russell (2010). Descriptive and Prescriptive Definitions of Emotion. Emotion Review

Sherri C. Widen, and James A. Russell (2010). Children’s scripts for social emotions: Causes and consequences are more central than are facial expressions. British Journal of Developmental Psychology

Sherri C. Widen, and James A. Russell (2010). Differentiation in Preschooler’s Categories of Emotion. Emotion

Sherri C. Widen, and James A. Russell (2010). The “Disgust Face” Conveys Anger to Children. Emotion

Sherri C. Widen, and James A. Russell (2008). Children acquire emotion categories gradually. Cognitive Development

Sherri C. Widen, James A. Russell (2008). Children's and adults’ understanding of the “disgust face”. Cognition and Emotion

Sherri C. Widen, and James A. Russell (2008). Young Children's Understanding of Others' Emotions

Sherri C. Widen, and James A. Russell (2004). The relative power of an emotion’s facial expression, label, and behavioral consequence to evoke preschoolers’ knowledge of its cause. Cognitive Development

Sherri C. Widen, and James A. Russell (2003). A Closer Look at Preschoolers’ Freely Produced Labels for Facial Expressions. Developmental Psychology

James A. Russell and Sherri C. Widen (2002). A Label Superiority Effect in Children’s Categorization of Facial Expressions. Social Development

James A. Russell and Sherri C. Widen (2002). Words versus faces in evoking preschool children's knowledge of the causes of emotions. International Journal of Behavioral Development

Sherri C. Widen, and James A. Russell (2002). Gender and Preschoolers' Perception of Emotion. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly