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Third Party Relationships

12.3.1 General Global Personnel Policies

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Management has the responsibility to assure that any University-affiliated operation adheres to laws and regulations in each country.

12.1.2 Anti-Bribery

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Members of the Stanford community are required to act with honesty and integrity and comply with applicable laws at all times when transacting University business. This guide memo clarifies that all forms of bribery and corruption are absolutely prohibited, provides guidance regarding what constitutes bribery and corruption, and requires reporting of actual or suspected incidents of bribery and corruption.

1.4.1 Academic and Business Relationships With Third Parties

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From time to time, the University enters into agreements with various independent entities that may result in an ongoing business or academic relationship with the University. For example, entities with current relationships include Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Stanford Bookstore, Inc., and Stanford Federal Credit Union.

1.5.4 Ownership and Use of Stanford Trademarks and Images

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This Guide Memo establishes the policies governing use of Stanford's registered trademarks, as well as the use of unregistered names, seals, logos, emblems, images, symbols and slogans that are representative of Stanford (together referred to herein as "Marks").

1.5.2 Staff Policy on Conflict of Commitment and Interest

1.5.3 Unrelated Business Activity

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