Creating A Charity WordPress Site: Your Complete Guide

Creating a website for your charity or nonprofit can be a daunting task, but with WordPress, it’s a remarkably straightforward and affordable process. Whether you’re building a website for the first time, or are a seasoned pro, there are always ways of making the website creation process easier: that’s what this guide can help you with.

This is your complete non-profit and charity WordPress guide. We’ll cover everything you need to know, from why you should choose WordPress, to choosing a charity WordPress theme, to adding extra functionality with plugins, to building out your content.

8 Email Copywriting Tips to Excite Your Audience

Email marketing has undergone changes and its strategies go through constant optimization. Whichever the optimization level, though, something remains equally important throughout the years: emails are as effective as their copy.

Whether you create content for emails, blog posts, or WordPress landing pages, the golden rule is to make it worth reading. No matter how compelling your email visual elements are, the copy still has the first and last word. 

In email marketing, everything has to do with choosing the right words. Ignore or mistreat them and it will be the key determinant for your email campaigns to fail. But before getting into details, let’s start with a definition.

How to turn a WordPress website into a mobile app?

If you are a website owner, there is a very good chance your website runs on WordPress. From major companies to small businesses, WordPress is often seen as the perfect solution for all kinds of businesses.

There are many reasons for this. Firstly, WordPress is open source. It has a large community of developers online that are actively offering solutions to website owners. This is not to mention the imperious library of WordPress themes and plugins available for WordPress users.

WordPress is dependable and highly customizable. You can build responsive websites for all kinds of devices with WordPress as your CMS.

With the advent of app builders, you can also turn your WordPress website into a mobile app.

5 Best WordPress Plugins For 3D Printing

3D printing has taken the technology world by storm. With many uses and limitless possibilities, it is one of the advancing technologies that will replace many sectors in the future. 

Gradually, 3D printing is becoming a regular part of our everyday lives as well, with many creative individuals taking it up as a hobby by buying printers of their own. Additionally, it provides individuals with an opportunity to start a lucrative business as well. 

Regardless of your motive, your 3D creations need a digital presence. And if you’ve built your website on WordPress, we have the solution for you. 

Chia Lite – Free Deli & Cafe WordPress Theme

“Chia Lite” is a free version of our premium WordPress theme Chia. However, don’t let the “lite” in the name fool you. It is a simple but fully functional and capable responsive WordPress theme ideal for creating a website for a cafe, deli, or food-based blog. It offers seamless integration with the WordPress block editor which makes it easy to use while being highly flexible. It’s free, check it out.