Yemeni Archive
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Bombing Taiz Governorate Police Administration

Bombing Taiz Governorate Police Administration

Yemeni Archive preserves, enhances and memorialises documentation of human rights violations and other crimes committed by all parties to conflict in Yemen for use in advocacy, justice and accountability.

How we do it


1,167 Sources


1,012,938 Videos


444,199 Video Analysed


1,119 Videos


2,069 Incidents
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Who we are


Yemeni Archive is a project of Mnemonic , a non-profit organisation dedicated to archiving disappearing digital material


We have verified and published thousands of pieces of data related to human rights violations in Yemen


We create archives, investigate and memorialise the data we have collected, build tools, train others and work with platforms to reduce the impact of their harmful policies. Visit Syrian archive , Sudanese Archive

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Press Coverage

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Rockets over Yemen: Inside the Houthis’ Botched Attack on Aden Airport

Rockets over Yemen: Inside the Houthis’ Botched Attack on Aden Airport

Bellingcat (2021)

Yemen: Saudi-led coalition 'systematically' targeted bridges

Yemen: Saudi-led coalition 'systematically' targeted bridges

Deutsche Welle - DW (2020)

The Yemeni Archive is fully independent and accepts no money from governments directly involved in the Yemeni conflict. We are seeking individual donations to carry out our work. Please consider supporting our work through our Patreon page.

MnemonicSyrian ArchiveSudanese Archive