
Joining Reporters Without Borders means fighting alongside us to save the lives of journalists in danger or threatened in hostile terrain. It is to stand up against all forms of censorship throughout the world. It is to fully embody the fight for free and independent information.

None of our victories would have been achieved without your support. We can rejoice in the progress of the fight we have been leading for thirty-five years, but there is still so much to do. Dangers in theaters of military operations, obstructions to freedom of opinion, disinformation and threats from new technologies: immense challenges lie ahead of us.

We need you more than ever!

Join now

Why join?

As an association, Reporters Without Borders draws much of its capacity for action and its financial base from the support of its members. Thanks to your generosity our organization can preserve the moral and financial freedom it needs to carry through its battles.

Your support is crucial to our success, and will continue to be so in the challenges ahead of us.

What is the money from my contribution used for?

These funds are essential to ensure the proper functioning of our organization and to continue our action. So, by supporting RSF…

1. You advocate for free information

We are relentless in denouncing all attacks on the freedom of information around the world.

2. You help to reduce censorship

We fight censorship and laws aimed at restricting freedom of information through our actions with governments. Our delegations travel to the field, investigate cases of imprisoned or assassinated journalists, meet with authorities, and assess the press freedom situation.

3. You help journalists in difficulty

We provide assistance to journalists in danger as well as to the families of imprisoned reporters. This aid is very concrete: Reporters Without Borders awards nearly 300 assistance grants every year.

4. You appeal to public opinion

In front of embassies, during meetings or international summits, we mobilize. RSF's interventions impact awareness and denounce the enemies of free speech.

What does this membership mean?

By joining RSF, you become a full player in our fight, and participate in the life of the association. Proposals for action will be sent to you (events, mobilizations or awareness-raising operations everywhere in France), as well as information on the state of press freedom in the world.

Tax deductions

The amount of the membership as well as any additional support (gifts, donations etc…), is tax deductible according to current tax provisions. A tax receipt will be sent to you.

Publié le 24.04.2022