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Approved Courses

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2020-21 Approved School of Engineering Breadth Courses

These listed courses fulfill Math, Science, Technology in Society, and Engineering Fundamentals requirements for School of Engineering majors. Note that ENGR 1, Introsem courses, Sophomore College courses, and duplicate AP or IB credit are not allowed to fulfill these requirements. See linked files below for more information on which math and/or science courses to take and when.

Petitioning to Use Higher-Level Courses for SoE Requirements: It is possible to substitute a higher-level course for a School of Engineering basic requirement (math, science, or Engineering fundamental) via SoE Petition to Deviate. We encourage students to take/use a higher-level course if taking the introductory course would mean repeating material already learned and tested. For instance, if you are an ME major who has already taken ME 210, there is no point in going backwards and taking ENGR 40M; instead you could substitute a course such as EE 102A.

Course Chart for the TiS Requirement Note: MS&E majors must choose from among the courses marked “X” in the major columns; CE majors must take CEE 102A. Students in other majors may choose from any of the following courses, although CS majors have priority in CS 181W. 

Important note for Technology in Society: You must use a course that is on the approved list the year you take it.

ACE: ACE units do not count toward major program math and science unit minimums, though they do count toward the 180-unit minimum needed for graduation.