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Host a UGVR Student

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The Undergraduate Visiting Researcher (UGVR) program invites a few of the very best undergraduate Chinese students to apply to be part of our REU program.

The top Chinese schools with which we have been collaborating include Tsinghua University, Peking University, and University of Science and Technology of China. The program has been rated as highly successful by all faculty and students who have participated. Based on our experience, we plan to continue the program and invite approximately 18 Chinese students who have completed their junior year and who would come to Stanford next summer to participate alongside our own undergraduates as part of the REU program.

Apply to Host a UGVR Student

If you would like to host a UGVR student in the summer, please pay attention to the invitation sent out by Professor Pam Hinds, the faculty director in mid-late October. We need a position description from you by late November. Please complete the position description form and send it to Ming Luo at Ming is the UGVR Program Manager who has been coordinating the program with the Chinese Universities.

In order to identify top quality students, have their paperwork processed by the registrar, and get visas in time for the summer program, we have developed a fairly aggressive timeline.

A few critical dates:

November 20 – Position descriptions due.

January 15 – Pre-screened UGVR student applications sent to you.

February 15 – You complete student selection and notify Ming Luo of your decision.

June 27 – Aug 31 – UGVR students work in your lab.

Faculty Hosting Requirements

Please note that the requirements of hosting a Chinese UGVR student include supervising the student, ensuring that the student has a poster to present in early September that reflects his/her research contribution (and covering the fee for poster printing), attending the poster session in late August, and signing a certificate letter for the student at the end of the summer. 

Faculty will be notified by November 25 about whether or not your position description can be accepted into the program. We can accommodate a total of 18 UGVR students per year. If we get more position descriptions than we can accommodate, we’ll review them for fit with the strengths of the Chinese universities, coverage across the School of Engineering, etc. Each faculty member can only host one UGVR student in a given year.

Other Details

UGVR students’ tuition, travel, room and board will be covered by the School of Engineering and the participating universities. The students will be housed on campus. All other incidental expenses should be paid by the hosting faculty member or lab.

Pamela Hinds, Professor in Management Science & Engineering, Faculty Director of Stanford Global Engineering Programs (