Toddler videos
Why does my toddler have night terrors? (Video)
Why has my child started to blink excessively? (Video)
Through the eyes of a child: one to two-year-old (Video)
Through the eyes of a child: two to three-year-old (Video)
My child keeps waking up: what can I do? (Video)
My child will not settle to sleep: what can I do? (Video)
Fire safety and accident prevention (Video)
When should my child start wearing shoes? (Video)
How can I help my child to start talking? (Video)
When will my child start talking? (Video)
How can I encourage my child's confidence and self-esteem? (Video)
My child wants to be with me all the time: what can I do? (Video)
How can I encourage my child to use the potty? (Video)
When should we start potty training? (Video)
How do I introduce sleeping in a big bed? (Video)
How do I stop my toddler hitting, biting and fighting? (Video)
What is the best way to deal with tantrums? (Video)
How do I brush my child's teeth? (Video)
Tips to keep your toddler safe in your home (Video)
How do I check for and treat head lice? (Video)
How do I introduce my new baby to my toddler? (Video)
How do I keep my child safe in the sun? (Video)
Should my baby use a beaker or a cup? (Video)
I'm worried my child has problems speaking. What should I do? (Video)
My child has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. What does this mean? (Video)
How much does my child understand about misbehaving? (Video)
The 24-hour attack on toddler teeth (Video)
3 essential tips for feeding toddlers
3 ways to get musical with your toddler
3 tips for brushing your toddler's teeth
4 tips during cold and flu season
Survival kit for a day at the park with your toddler
3 ways to explore nature with your toddler
3 ways to encourage imaginative play
Toddler first aid videos
First aid for children: febrile seizure (Video)
First aid for children: poisoning and harmful substances (Video)
First aid for children: fever (Video)
First aid for children: bleeding (Video)
How do I deal with burns and scalds? (Video)
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