is to save lives and reduce the burden of disease in low- and middle-income countries around the world. We aim to strengthen the government and private sector to create and sustain high-quality health systems in the countries where we work.

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is to save lives and reduce the burden of disease in low- and middle-income countries around the world. We aim to strengthen the government and private sector to create and sustain high-quality health systems in the countries where we work.

Where We Work
CHAI operates in over 35 countries around the world. More than 125 countries have access to CHAI-negotiated price reductions for medicines, diagnostics, vaccines, devices or other life-saving health products and services.
Program Countries Access Agreement Markets
Our Values


Our successes are driven by the talent, creativity, and hard work of the people who work for us. We strive to support and protect our staff to grow and thrive within the organization and to enable them to have a major impact in fulfilling our mission.


We are an inclusive workplace and promote and integrate fairness, respect, equality, and dignity into CHAI’s culture. We take a firm stance against discrimination and harassment and foster an environment where people with a multiplicity of personal characteristics, including race, color, religion, sex or gender (including gender identity and gender expression), sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, HIV status, political or interest group affiliation, genetic information, veteran status, marital status, parental or pregnancy status or any other characteristic, are embraced and valued.


We expect employees and partners to make ethical decisions and to work hard and manage their own work. As an organization, at all levels, we uphold good governance with transparency and accountability.


We hire good people and give them wide latitude to conceive of and execute programs. We have a culture of seeking out opportunities and then seizing them. Some of our greatest accomplishments, large and small, were not planned centrally. We are willing to take calculated risks to attempt to achieve goals that are substantial, challenging, and uncertain.


We do not seek credit for our work and will only take it if it is necessary to fulfill our mission. We do not seek to publicize our work independent of publicity that our government partners or donors want.


Our offices are modest. We do not use donor money to travel lavishly. We maintain low overheads. We feel that the donor funds we raise should go as much as possible to saving lives directly rather than to compensating ourselves excessively or incurring elaborate expenses.


We want people to work with us who believe in the mission and whose fulfillment comes from the fact that collectively we succeed in advancing the mission. This ensures our unity of purpose, with all leaders and managers and their staff at all levels working to a common cause.


We believe that to make programs sustainable and scalable we need to help strengthen the mainstream government health systems. This means that we align our program strategies with our partner governments to work in service of their priorities and goals. Partnering with governments enables transformational impact, as they are the strongest institutions in developing countries with long-term and expansive health policies and programs.


People are dying unnecessarily from AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and other preventable and treatable conditions. We recognize that every day we delay, people die. Therefore, we work with the utmost speed to build a strong foundation for sustainable impact. The faster we act the more lives we can save.


We recognize that our staff is our greatest asset.


We foster diversity and inclusion.


We operate based on trust and transparency.


We have an entrepreneurial and action-oriented culture.


We operate with humility.


We are frugal.


We are a mission-driven organization.


We work in cooperation with and at the service of partner governments.


We work with urgency.

Our Values

We work with urgency.

People are dying unnecessarily from AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and other preventable and treatable conditions. We recognize that every day we delay, people die. Therefore, we work with the utmost speed to build a strong foundation for sustainable impact. The faster we act the more lives we can save.

We work in cooperation with and at the service of partner governments.

We believe that to make programs sustainable and scalable we need to help strengthen the mainstream government health systems. This means that we align our program strategies with our partner governments to work in service of their priorities and goals. Partnering with governments enables transformational impact, as they are the strongest institutions in developing countries with long-term and expansive health policies and programs.

We are frugal.

Our offices are modest. We do not use donor money to travel lavishly. We maintain low overheads. We feel that the donor funds we raise should go as much as possible to saving lives directly rather than to compensating ourselves excessively or incurring elaborate expenses.

We operate with humility.

We do not seek credit for our work and will only take it if it is necessary to fulfill our mission. We do not seek to publicize our work independent of publicity that our government partners or donors want.

We have an entrepreneurial and action-oriented culture.

We hire good people and give them wide latitude to conceive of and execute programs. We have a culture of seeking out opportunities and then seizing them. Some of our greatest accomplishments, large and small, were not planned centrally. We are willing to take calculated risks to attempt to achieve goals that are substantial, challenging, and uncertain.

We operate based on trust and transparency.

We expect employees and partners to make ethical decisions and to work hard and manage their own work. As an organization, at all levels, we uphold good governance with transparency and accountability.

We recognize that our staff is our greatest asset.

Our successes are driven by the talent, creativity, and hard work of the people who work for us. We strive to support and protect our staff to grow and thrive within the organization and to enable them to have a major impact in fulfilling our mission.

We foster diversity and inclusion.

We are an inclusive workplace and promote and integrate fairness, respect, equality, and dignity into CHAI’s culture. We take a firm stance against discrimination and harassment and foster an environment where people with a multiplicity of personal characteristics, including race, color, religion, sex or gender (including gender identity and gender expression), sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, HIV status, political or interest group affiliation, genetic information, veteran status, marital status, parental or pregnancy status or any other characteristic, are embraced and valued.

We are a mission-driven organization.

We want people to work with us who believe in the mission and whose fulfillment comes from the fact that collectively we succeed in advancing the mission. This ensures our unity of purpose, with all leaders and managers and their staff at all levels working to a common cause.

Join Our Team

CHAI is looking for dynamic and self-motivated individuals who are committed to strengthening health systems around the world and expanding access to care and treatment of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other illnesses.

View All CHAI Positions

Join Our Team

CHAI is looking for dynamic and self-motivated individuals who are committed to strengthening health systems around the world and expanding access to care and treatment of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other illnesses.

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