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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Family Counseling

Mission: The mission of Turn Your Life Around (T.Y.L.A.), Inc. is to support, encourage, and empower homeless men and women in sustaining their lives in recovery from drugs, alcohol and mental health issues.

Results: 2012 Year to Date services are as follows: • This year alone Turn Your Life Around has served 345 women. • We have placed 31 women in sober living facilities, where their recovery process can begin. • We have assisted 3 women in the regaining their drivers license through the Homeless Court Program. This program substitutes outstanding fines with community service hours and substance abuse treatment. • Our Employment Service class has assisted 23 women in resume writing, interview techniques, job skill assessments and job search. • Our “Dress for Success” program has given 42 women from various recovery programs in the community over 120 sets of clothing, undergarments and hygiene packets. • Turn Your Life Around has job training in our onsite retail thrift store. In collaboration with the Department of Economic Security Workforce we train women in marketing, sales, inventory and customer service. This satisfies the requirements for their monthly cash assistance, while preparing them for re-entry into the workforce. Year to date we have accommodated 25 women. • We mentored 18 women, showing them how to achieve a life style that is beneficial to productivity. We want to see these women live a fulfilling life with their families and become strong examples for their children. • We have given out 18 (2) way bus passes to women for transportation to and from services, we have supplied 10 women with infant and toddler clothing and have helped 4 women complete the community service hours needed to be released from probation and complete their legal requirements.

Programs: clothing giveaway, peer mentoring, employment service classes, recovery support groups, relapse prevention

Community Stories

36 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters

2 waynesteele


Rating: 5

Letter received from Peer-Support Client on 12/23/14:

"I would like to thank you for having my back today in court. Nobody has ever had my best interest like you did. I really appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule, that means a lot to me. I'm really looking forward to working with you and helping me put my fatal mistakes behind me. I won't let us down, I can honestly say you have given me the tools to becoming something other than an addict running the streets and it is also a wonderful feeling knowing that when I step out of prison I will have my life heading in the right direction. I can truly say you're the angel I have been praying for. Thank you Mr. Steele for caring enough to help a struggling addict as myself to recovery. I will write to you when I get to Alhambra, letting you know what yard I'm on if my calculations are right I will have six to seven months, so lets not waste no more time, lets capture the mind so I can do what is right.

Sincerely, Mr. Eric T"



Rating: 5

I have seen nothing but love exuding from the employees, volunteers and clients at this organization. Even through the hardships that most of these clients are experiencing, their attitudes are positive as a result of the help and support that Turn You Life Around provides. The employees express true compassion for each client and treat each one according to their individual needs. They are flexible and understanding when approached with new challenges and always appear to find a solution. I definitely recommend Turn Your Life Around as a resource to retrieving help, guidance and support.



Rating: 5

Turn your Life Around is an amazing program! It helps a wide range of people with a number of issues. They take each case one by one, and treats each person like an individual. If a client has a problem, TYLA is the first to explain what actions need to be taken. They are very helpful, and a great resource.


Client Served

Rating: 5

Great place that REALLY WANTS TO HELP ! Everyone was so friendly and treated me with respect.
I will refer them often



Rating: 5

Turn Your Life Around is a great organization located within the center of Tucson. It is open to all types of clients, offering several types of services for those who need them. We are open to all sorts of clients with different needs and are willing to accommodate all of our clients in the best ways that we can. We are a relaxed and compassionate environment and never make any of our clients feel like their presence is unwanted. We are understanding and truly care about the well-being of everyone associated with TYLA, Inc. Our clients love us, and our services are helpful for everyone's journey towards becoming a better person! I highly recommend going to Turn Your Life Around, Inc. for anyone who is in need of the services we offer! We can't be beat!


Client Served

Rating: 1

Don't be fooled by the previous reviews. TYLA is lock step with the courts and will throw you under the bus first chance they get, at least in my expirence. They talk down to clients mainly because they understand that everything is court ordered and they got you in a rock in a hard place. People where nodding off in groups and the whole deal seemed like a racket to get your money. TYLA is working hand in hand with using the court system to reap profits and not about truly helping people stay sober. As long as that money is paid every session then the machine keeps a rollin. I pray things improve but I won't be referring anyone here.



Rating: 5

Turn Your Life Around possesses a strong 'at-home- feel. They are always there to help and make you feel very welcome. Your needs are met without a fuss and there is always someone to greet you.

Previous Stories


Rating: 4

This place has a very welcoming feeling that leaves clients coming back. They clearly demonstrate care and support. The relationships with their clients are kept close on personal level that makes the clients feel special and important.

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

Turn Your Life Around is amazing. It's passion for helping the homeless population with substance abuse and mental health issues is fresh and caring. They help iin so many ways, clothing, employment service assistance, peer mentoring, support group meetings and just as a resource center to help people get off the streets and into shelter and back on the right track.

Previous Stories


Rating: 4

I have voluenteered services at TYLA for two years.
I have helped with grant research and fundraising evernt.

I have watched this organization grow in number of clients and services offered.

They give clients a place to go when there seems no place. They care about each client and go out of their way to help with mentoring, support groups and resources.

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

TYLA is an amazing organization. I work here as an intern, and I can honestly say that I have seen the people here make significant differences in their clients' lives. The employees and counselors make honest connections and really do want to help people in need get back up and make improvements to their lives. TYLA offers many services that help people find new outlooks on life and make changes for the better. I believe TYLA has had a huge impact on the community of Tucson and will continue doing so in the future. TYLA gives hope to people who thought they had none. The organization is really living up to its name, helping people to "turn their lives around."


Board Member

Rating: 5

This agency has the highest of integrity that I have ever known, they empower our clients to believe in themselves, they set an example of what is like to succeed if you have the right attitude and have resources, I call them our Guardian Angels , they help you with everything they got starting with a kind and warm welcome when you walk in their office, if you need something and they don't have it they find a way to get it. Tucson should be very proud to have TYLA as a non Profit agency to help out our community. thank you Martha Hunnicutt