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2010 Top-Rated Nonprofit

Jobs for Life Inc

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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Job Training, Vocational Counseling

Mission: Jobs for Life offers a unique solution to poverty and joblessness in communities and for individuals across the country by equipping churches and community-based organizations to help unemployed and underemployed individuals obtain meaningful work and build healthy lives

Results: Over 7,000 people have been served by JfL since 2006. As of 1/1/2010, churches and organizations in over 120 cities and 29 states lead JfL training classes.

Target demographics: Nationwide, unemployed and underemployed men and women as well as at-risk youth

Programs: Jobs for life offers a unique solution to poverty and joblessness across the nation by equipping churches and community-based organizations to help unemployed and underemployed individuals to obtain meaningful work and build healthy lives. This is primarily accomplished through seminars and sales of printed instructional materials.

Community Stories

13 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters



Rating: 5

I have been involved with Jobs for Life at my church for almost three years as a Site Leader, Business Relations lead, and as a Mentor. we just started our sixth class and I have seen many lives changed by the program. I have seen several of our students develop the character and confidence that they need to move from homelessness and unemployment to becoming productive members of the community.



Rating: 5

I have served in the Jobs For Life ministry for over 10yrs and words can't explain the effectiveness of this organization. It is by far one of the most effective organizations that I have ever seen! Over the years, we have watched hundreds of people radically change their lives through the principles taught in the curriculum. It is exciting to be a part of something so effectual and life changing.



Rating: 5

I've been involved with Jobs for Life in 2 capacities: as a donor and as a facilitator of a JfL group in my community. As a donor I know that Jobs for Life is exactly what it claims to be, and that it uses its funds effectively, efficiently, and as expected. As a facilitator, I know that the material is absolutely outstanding. Our participants developed break-through confidence in their ability to seek and finds jobs. They learned interview skills; they prepared excellent resumees; they learned how to overcome barriers; they learn how to handle criminal records and periods of unemployment in the interview process; they strengthened their commitment to values such as punctuality and integrity; and they grew closer to the Lord. It was life-changing... it changed me too! Powell Harrison Roswell, GA


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I have been teaching Jobs for Life in Women Residential Alcohol & Drug Programs, Jail & Prison Ministry,Community Corrections and with a Youth Summer Program. It is an incredible program combining business skills/training and using a faith-based approach through Biblical principles. We have graduated almost 300 men and women in one year. It is so exciting to see so many of them succeeding in their jobs and realtionships; seeing the transformation in their lives. I even hired one of my graduates as my assistant in the non-profit ministry that I am Co-Director of. Awesome Awesome Program



Rating: 5

I had the pleasure of taking care of children while their parents attended the JfL classes at Trinity Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC. I was invited to attend the graduation ceremony after the parents had completed their coursework. Words cannot describe what I experienced - students expressing how they have changed in their attitudes toward themselves and toward work, mentors coming along side the students to walk with them as they seek employment, and a church willing to take a different, more long term approach toward alleviating the effects of poverty and joblessness. While I thought I was simply babysitting, I was actually helping to change the lives of the parents and, hopefully, their children.



Rating: 5

I have been involved with Jobs For Life now for 3 years . I was introduced through a customer of mine in my business and became a Business Partner . I shared this ministry with my Church Staff repeatedly . Our church finally kicked off it's first class two and one half years ago . We are now in the process of starting our sixth class tomorrow night . I have served in every capacity there is with our classes from teaching to mentoring . I have never been involved with a more meaningful ministry . We are changing lives ! Rick Royals


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I am director of CWJC and CMJC with Prison Ministry in Rankin County, MS. I use the Jobs for Life Curriculum in all my Job Readiness classes which includes Prison Classes. It is easy to follow and the JFL staff is always helpful with advice. Here is what a student says: JFL has helped me to relate to everyday life to the stories in the Bible. It has helped me to practice doing the right think and having integrity in all my dealings with others and in the workplace. Also, how to dress while going on interviews and the best way to present my resume and myself. I highly recommend Jobs for Life!



Rating: 5

I've found the Jobs For Life organization to be an invaluable ministry tool. Its capacity to consistently empower, envision and champion our organization to do meaningful work in the field is without question one of the reasons why we keep working with the underserved community. God bless the folks at Jobs for Life!


Board Member

Rating: 5

I have been involved with Jobs for Life since its inception. There are many fruits from the labors of this organization, but perhaps the most dramatic and lasting is the transformation of people's lives who go through the training. They certainly learn a lot of practical information pertaining to work and how to succeed at the workplace, but they also become engaged in a new community of friends dedicated to their success and welfare.



Rating: 5

Five years ago I was mentoring a young woman diagnosed with multiple mental illnesses. She was told she'd never be able to hold down a job. She knew she was intelligent and didn't want to continue to take money from SSI and welfare. She enrolled in a Jobs for Life class. Learning that she was a child of God & that He had a plan for her life, inspired her. The people around her inspired her. She now works fulltime and often refers to Jobs for Life and the confidence she gained there



Rating: 5

I am a mentor in the Men of Valor prison ministry program in Nashville. I mentor men in prison as well as when they are released. I have seen first hand in prison the class curriculum and how it builds confidence as well as personal skills. I have also seen how the JFL skills are put to use when men are engaged in a job search as well as handling their everyday activities. JFL doesn't just feed a man a fish, it teaches him to fish and as a result enables him to become a contributing member of society,his family and his faith.



Rating: 4

I serve with Jobs for Life (JFL) as lead team member, mentor and writer. In my church, we generally have a more memtors than we do students. The Jobs For Life program offers students bi-weeky encouragement and confidence building that empowers students to overcome their roadblocks and obtain gainful employment. The JFL workboook contains lessons from the Bible that apply to character overcoming obstacles. Additionally, we provide The Career Key to assess students' interests; provide resume help, mock interviews; and offer community resource and buisness panels. In addition, we keep in touch with our students to track their progress and offer additional encouragement.



Rating: 5

As an employer, I appreciate the job performance attitudes that JFL instills in it's graduates. The importance of being on time, having an attitude of "how can I help, what else can I do", handling conflict resolution and constantly growing and developing. Just as import, the graduate having a champion/mentor after they graduate is a valuable resource for both the graduate/employee and the employer.