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2016 Top-Rated Nonprofit

Habitat for Humanity of Omaha

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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Christianity, Homeless & Housing, Housing Development, Construction & Management, Religion

Mission: Habitat for Humanity of Omaha, Inc. is dedicated to eliminating substandard housing and homelessness and to making adequate, affordable shelter a matter of conscience and action. Habitat invites people from all faiths and walks of life to work together in partnership, building houses with families in need.

Target demographics: provide good affordable housing

Direct beneficiaries per year: almost 60 families

Geographic areas served: North Omaha primarily with builds in South Omaha and Washington County as the availablity and need dictate.

Programs: new home construction, re-hab housing, roof and repair, and blighted home demolition.

Community Stories

88 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters

1 DustinPearson

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Habitat for Humanity does so much good in our local area. Families seem to be the primary focus and that matters. We had a row of houses they built around the corner from us and they were presented to several of the nicest families one could ask to have for neighbors. Thank you!


Rating: 5

I have been an Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC) volunteer with Habitat for Humanity Omaha (HFHO) for 6 plus years. I have worked with the Human Resources director providing both professional and technical Human Resources support during this time. HFHO has grown during my time with them. They build and/or remodel more than 40 homes per year. The staff at HFHO has more than doubled in my time here to more than 90 full and part time employees. HFHO makes affordable homes available for purchase to the less fortunate in our society. In addition, HFHO is now remodeling whole neighborhoods rather than just building individual homes. HFHO is a Christian based organization and I feel at home working and supporting such an organization that provides such an important benefit to the Omaha community.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 1

I am very frustrated with the huge bills you keep sending me. When I agreed to purchase my house I was told the payment would stay the same each month. Every month my payment has gone up up up. Bill you just sent me was for $1,299. This program in no way helps out people who don't have a lot of money. Between the repairs and the huge power & mud bills & house bills, all my money goes to this and I can't even afford any Christmas presents for my family. Just had to pay near $25,000 for repairs from storm damage this week and now this huge bill from you for my house payment. We were paying extra each month to pay down some of this and bank was applying it to the house cost instead of escrow or whatever they were supposed to do. I have had nothing but problems with neighbors who poisoned my boxer dog, he has laid here for 6 months now unable to walk & his medicine costs a fortune. He has to be put to sleep now. Neighbors have done all kinds of things to my house, threatened to kill me & my dogs. Every day I wake up so depressed living in this house. I wish I had just stayed where I was. I was supposed to be part of the habitat family which I do not feel a part of any thing. I don't feel safe in my own house. I was offered 15% of what I paid for house to move. Just feel Habitat only cares about making money and not about me. I also paid way too much for this house which is filled with lead dust, black and green mold and i have been sick since living here.


Client Served

Rating: 1

I paid way too much for my house. House is filled with lead dust. I can't use my yard to garden. Lead dust causes severe health issues and is very dangerous. I also have all types of mold in my house. Mold is also a huge health concern and very dangerous to live in those conditions. We won't even mention the idiot neighbors I have to deal with and all the 60 some police reports i have had to make. Company refuses to fix the things wrong with my house & thinks they can offer me a couple thousand dollars for my house and let someone else have it & all the problems that come with it. Wiring is faulty inside and outside of house. I have been sick and my pets sick too since living here. All my money goes to house payment and fixing things. I complained on Facebook and Habitat had my account shut down. So now I am going to complain on every site they have. I had that Facebook account for years & since Habitat can't accept the problems they try and hide them. Well problems are not going to just go away until you fix them and company refuses to do anything I ask, they can't even bring me some dirt to put around my house, so the water will stop leaking inside my house. I will add my you tube videos and photos later on.



Rating: 5

I have never had a bad experience volunteering with Habitat-Omaha. For the second straight year I am the President of the Habitat-Omaha Young Professionals and over 100s upon 100s of volunteer hours spent with this organization I can honestly say I've enjoyed every minute of it. Our YP group is continuing to grow and new opportunities regularly present themselves. It is a great organization that truly helps the community. A nonprofit where you can actually see the progress and the work that you are doing come to fruition.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

I have been active through Young Professionals and as the community service chair for my company for a few years now and the professionalism of Habitat-Omaha is second to none. They are very knowledgeable about Habitat's mission, extremely welcoming and just great people. I will never forget when I did my first Habitat event: I met a Habitat representative that day and didn't see him again for almost 8-9 months, not only did he remember my name but remembered specifics from the conversation we had from months before. That experience made me realize how much they truly care and appreciate the help they get. I will continue to help Habitat for years to come.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 4

A great organization that furthers affordable housing in our community!



Rating: 5

I have long appreciated the good work of Habitat for Humanity and the Restore. I work with National, Bellevue and Omaha groups, who all do important work for our country and communities. The Omaha program is vital to the many families who seek a better life. Their investment partnership with Habitat makes for an otherwise unavailable home ownership that means community roots. That more stable home life for the children benefits our entire community. We are blessed to have such caring dedicated people working and volunteering here. Thank you all! Don



Rating: 5

I've volunteered with Habitat for Humanity of Omaha for 4 years and love it! Everyone, the staff, other volunteers and homeowners are always friendly and upbeat and it feels good to know we're making a real difference in peoples lives. Working on rehabs; it's a thrill to watch a house go from eyesore to eye-catching. Home dedications are always moving. I could go on and on, there are so many positives to this wonderful organization.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

As a donor, volunteer, and construction partner with Habitat for Humanity of Omaha, I can attest to the hard work, dedication, and overall professionalism that Habitat for Humanity operates under while transforming neighborhoods and our community. I am proud to be involved with Habitat. Their leadership is passionate, mission driven, and energetic about everything they do. Omaha is lucky to have such a great organization in our community.



Rating: 5

For several years we have been involved with Habitat for Humanity of Omaha both as donors and volunteers. In addition to the satisfaction of knowing that we have helped provide affordable housing for needy and deserving home owners, we have enjoyed the camaraderie of working with other like-minded people. It is a joy to see how our efforts have made a difference in the lives of families as well as in our larger community.

Delvin and Trudy Hutton, Blair, Nebraska



Rating: 5

HFHO is an opportunity... An opportunity to better our community... An opportunity for people to share their skills to build a tangible asset...An opportunity to move into a new/remodeled house to call home... An opportunity to change a neighborhood... An opportunity to recycle your extra construction materials. An opportunity to purchase great construction materials at a reduced cost...Habitat for Humanity Omaha is a well-organized opportunity for everyone!

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Habitat for Humanity of Omaha and the ReStore has helped families to build and maintain their homes. They provide tremendous resources for working families that enable them to become or remain home owners by supplying them with supportive resources and programming to help them get or stay on their feet. I'm so grateful for their contributions to our community.


Rating: 5

I have had the opportunity to volunteer on several Women Build renovation projects. The crew leaders and staff were very organized and used materials very efficiently. It was a pleasure to work with the future home owners and see their pride in helping build a home for their families. Habitat does a great job in improving neighborhoods and enhancing the city of Omaha.



Rating: 5

I have volunteered with Habitat for Humanity in Omaha several times and every time the staff is very friendly, organized and keeps everyone on task. They offer a variety of events around the city to get people involved and of course have an excellent mission. They are very thorough and efficient in their use of resources and build an impressive number of homes a year through volunteer staff. I am very impressed with their operations and their breadth of services they perform. They aren't just building houses, they are re-building communities. They have a very impressive and comprehensive approach to their work.


Rating: 5

I have volunteered on several builds for Habitat; sometime with my co-workers and other times on my own. I am impressed with the organization and the homes they build. Even though built by a lot of volunteers, these are quality homes. I like that the future home owners put in their own sweat equity to build that house and that Habitat ensures they have the skills to maintain it throughout the years. On several builds I was fortunate to work with the future home owner and got the opportunity to meet them and their family. While my intent was to spend sometime to bless someone else, I was truly blessed by the entire experience.

Board Member

Rating: 5

It has been a honor to serve as a board member of Habitat for Humanity of Omaha. I have seen firsthand how Habitat for Humanity of Omaha been a great advocacy for affordable housing as well as promoting dignity and hope. They continue to strive to make Omaha a better place to work and live by creating communities in which all people have decent, affordable places to live. I truly believe they are transforming lives within the communities they serve. It is based upon mutual trust and fully shared accomplishments of the homeowner, neighbors and all members of the community.

Previous Stories

Board Member

Rating: 5

As a Finance Committee Member, Habitat for Humanity Omaha is one of the best run non-profit organizations I have ever worked with. They truly care about their mission statement of "Building community through homeownership" and every financial decision we make takes that into consideration. It is an honor to be part of such a great non-profit.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Habitat for Humanity Omaha has been an outstanding community partner to assist with addressing our abandoned properties crisis in the metro-area. I couldn't imagine my community without their proactive leadership in making housing affordable.


Rating: 5

I have been involved with Habitat for Humanity for the past 8+ years as a board member from Washington County. Our relationship with Habitat for Humanity Omaha has allow us help 4 families in the Blair Area to ave a home for their family. This opportunity has been such a positive in our community. The volunteers and families that the houses are built for find such a bond throughout the process. Habitat for Humanity Omaha truly is has been a blessing to so many!


Rating: 5

I have had the pleasure of being a volunteer with Habitat for the last 10 years. The great people at Habitat have worked with me in finding the best ways for my organization to help at Habitat. This has usually been through providing 10-12 builders from my organization for 3 different days during the year. This flexibility has allowed us to help Habitat, while also allowing us to have the greatest amount of overall participation. Habitat does a great thing for the community and I know that the people that work for me look forward to the build each year. Keep up the great work!


Rating: 5

I am a donor, volunteer and past board member with Habitat for Humanity of Omaha and can't say enough good things about the organization and the people involved. Keep up the good work!

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Habitat Omaha has been a great partner to work with. Whether it is their hospitality for our community meetings, collaborating on strategies to ensure affordable housing for all in the Omaha metro area, or serving on leadership committees, Habitat can always be counted on.
Additionally, the local office philosophy of asset based neighborhood development has made an impact on the way our region looks at community development (lifting up what works, and looking for strengths in the existing community)
Oh, and the Habitat ReStore has helped me personally to find items to rehab my house at a fraction of what I'd have to pay elsewhere!


Rating: 5

Habitat for Humanity Omaha is my favorite charity. I really believe in the mission of giving a hand up not a hand out. I have been involved in many local builds and am now on the Friends for Humanity Board. They are a top notch organization with many caring individuals who work to make our community stronger.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

At my first dedication, I noted the new house was without a lawn. A local State Senator and I made some calls, that new house became a 'home' with a lawn. From that time on, Habitat connected with sod distributors and 'green' greeted new owners. Summing up Habitat For Humanity of Omaha in one word, 'AWESOME'. When you support them (time, talent, treasures) you actually see the end result and that's 'priceless' Councilman Garry Gernandt

Board Member

Rating: 5

I have been a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity Omaha for over 5 years and have witnessed first hand the impact the organization has in our community. They are building capacity in our community by providing families, one at a time, and communities, one block at a time, a chance for revitalization and restoration. They are great stewards of the resources they receive and continue to look for ways to improve process to further the opportunity for impact.

Board Member

Rating: 5

I have been associated with Habitat for Humanity Omaha for a little over 6 years in many different capacities - as an annual volunteer, as a current Board member, and as the past Chairman of the Board. In all of my experiences with the organization, I have always been in awe of the passion this organization puts forth in improving the lives of families and the community in which they live. Whether it be fund raising, managing building costs, developing new programs to help new and existing home owners, transforming whole neighborhoods, or getting families into safer and more productive environments- the Habitat team is all about finding ways to help more families. The organization has grown substantially from when I first became involved in the group, responding to the demand for its services in the Omaha area. I am very proud to be associated with such an effective organization, and the many accomplishments achieved by this organization over the last several years, and how they have positioned the organization to continue to help more and more people each year.

Board Member

Rating: 5

Habitat is one of the best run companies in the area. It transforms neighborhoods and families. We have personal experience in seeing the transformation. Good friends have participated in their programs and the purchase of their home changed their lives. It gave them responsibility and pride. Their children are in a safer environment and as a result, are exceeding in school.
It's not about building and acquiring a home - it's changing lives.


Board Member

Rating: 5

I have been a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity of Omaha for 7 years and currently serve on the Board. In the time I have been involved I have seen the organization grow significantly both in terms of the number of families served and the professionalism of the staff. It is one of the most efficiently run non profit organizations that I have ever experienced. Everyone in the organization is dedicated to the mission of serving families. It is a great place to leverage your donations into impact on the community.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

I have worked with Habitat for Humanity of Omaha for the last 6 years in a variety of roles (volunteer crew leader, donor, board member) and I have been amazed at the progress this chapter has made in serving the community. They have been able to dramatically grow the number of families served, increased fund raising, improved the professionalism of the staff and transformed neighborhoods. They have gone from a small organization of dedicated volunteers and staff to one of the largest and most successful chapters in the nation. I am very proud of their accomplishments and being able to serve with them.

Robb S.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I have been volunteering for Habitat for Humanity since 2010 as a volunteer, project leader/organizer, and committee member on several projects and events. I became part of this organization because I have a passion for building and wanted to give back to the community. What I found was an organization that has strong leadership and is well managed, has great people that really care about the mission, and most importantly the projects and events are exciting and fun to be a part of! It is hard to find all three of these components in not for profit organizations. Thank you H4H!



Rating: 5

I have been volunteering for HH Omaha since 1983 starting on a build with my teen aged son. Mostly working on trees on the lots they build on. From 2000 till they moved in their new office location I managed their recycling. Every other year my church joins other churches to build a house as we did in 2015. I plan on continuing to volunteer for many more years.



Rating: 5

I am part of an Organization, Women's Council of Realtors Omaha each year in March we have an Event that benefits Habitat for Humanity. This Event is our largest Fundraising event for the year and we always have Habitat for Humanity Omaha as the Benefactor. We love to give back to the Committee. We have also helped on some of the locations by donating time as well. This is a great help for families in Omaha whose dream was to someday own a home. Habitat for Humanity Omaha is such an awesome group of people and so helpful for making dreams come true. I have attended a Welcome Home and those New Homeowners are SO very Thankful!

Board Member

Rating: 5

Habitat is known for helping families with new housing projects, something at which they excel. My experience is different, and focuses on their ability to remove blighted and abandoned houses. It is this activity that is often the last step in rejuvenating a neighborhood; the beautification that is brought, and reduction in crime associated with vacant properties, are as important as providing economical and affordable new home projects. They absolutely rock.


Rating: 5

I have volunteered for Habitat for Humanity of Omaha (HfH) to help build homes for the past 25 years. During that time, I also assisted HfH in purchasing their two office/warehouses and two Restore retail buildings. Since 2007 I have negotiated the purchase of over 150 vacant lots on which new homes were build.
I have always been impressed with the way HfH tries to give their volunteers a good experience. They are good at expressing their gratitude.
I have also been impressed with the their effort to continue to improve the quality of the construction. I think their houses are some of the best built homes in Omaha.
HfH has done a great job to change neighborhoods in Northeast Omaha.


Rating: 5

Habitat for Humanity Omaha made getting into community service a quick and easy process. I know my work is directly benefitting those who need it most. I am confident my work, and that of other volunteers, makes a noticable difference in our Omaha community.


Rating: 5

Habitat for Humanity of Omaha is a gift to Omaha. The folks here work extra hard and give so much to our city. The impact to the lives of the families they help is so rewarding. I have had the honor of working on a few projects in past years and annually I enjoy the annual fundraiser another organization I am a member of- Women's Council of Realtors, Omaha Chapter- does to raise money for Habitat. It's always a pleasure to give to our local Habitat for Humanity because I know the money is staying here in Omaha and makes a real difference in the lives of people who deserve it!

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

My company has been blessed to work with Habitat Omaha numerous times. We are always amazed by their professionalism, commitment, knowledge, empathetic caring ... and most of all enthusiasm to better the lives of others. Through these past years they have never wavered from this quality driving value system. Hats off to the entire Habitat Omaha Team!!! Steve & Laura Ousley - Owners MAXIM Cleaning & Restoration, Inc.


Rating: 5

Great organization providing needed services to our community!



Rating: 5

I love what HFHOO does for the community, and I am always willing to donate my time for classes, organizing, moving... anything that helps them help you! I recently helped with a "Project In A Box" creating wine bottle/glass holders, and I will be offering my inspiration to others on another project that benefits the "Junk Stock" HFHOO booth in promoting sales for crafting unique, vintage window pane art. THANK YOU, HFHOO, for all you do!

Those who work there are just fabulously helpful and kind to help find things... keep up the great work!



Rating: 5

I have had the pleasure of working with Habitat Omaha in various capacities for over 8 years now. As an organization they really put the needs of the prospective homeowners and different areas of the Omaha area they work in first and foremost. I really appreciate the fact that they involve the homeowners on the front side of things to get them engaged in working towards bettering their lives and living arrangements with some "sweat equity" of sorts with the process. I also feel a contributing factor to the outstanding success of the building programs revolves around the homeowners investment into their new home versus just giving them a place to live in. I feel like it really helps them to feel a sense of ownership and pride in what they've done and where they're at in their lives.



Rating: 5

I have been a volunteer leader for Habitat Omaha for several years, clocking hundreds of hours per year. For many years before that I was a frequent volunteer. I have seen many staff changes and through it all the mission remains at the forefront. The goal of making decent affordable housing available to more and more families not only creates opportunities for those individual families, it changes the landscape of North Omaha. I am proud to be associated with this organization.



Rating: 5

Habitat for Humanity is making a difference in my community. Over the years the quality of the homes built; the training and support for Family Partners; and participation by corporate partners, churches, and volunteers have steadily increased. Now with demolition and Roof and Repair programs the reach keeps growing.



Rating: 5

Habitat for Humanity of Omaha has always delivered a very positive volunteer experience and allowed me to help improve the lives of multiple local families while learning valuable skills from experienced construction staff. I highly recommend supporting Habitat to all of my friends and colleagues as a great opportunity to give back to the community by building a suitable home to a family in need to purchase with a no-interest mortgage. And, for those considering donations rather than volunteering, ALL of the financial contributions go directly to building the homes and not to overhead costs.

1 Robyn25


Rating: 5

In 2010, I became a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity – Omaha! I was initially drawn to HFH’s motto, ‘Providing a hand up not a hand-out’ however because of this organization’s mission, strong leadership, and outstanding dedication to changing the Omaha community; I was also empowered to build with Habitat for Humanity International in Haiti, South Africa and soon Nepal. Through these experiences, I have witnessed firsthand that this organization transforms lives!

The Omaha staff is empathetic, professional, knowledgeable, passionate about Habitat’s purpose and ‘the real deal!’ They put ‘people over profit’ and are always grateful for all contributions: volunteer time, donations for the Restore, monetary donations or attending one of their many fundraisers!

1 melanieboone


Rating: 5

I love volunteering with Habitat - I get to meet lots of great people, learn new skills, be actively involved in the community and feel like I am really helping to make a difference.

1 Matt87


Rating: 5

I am the President of Husker Hammer Siding Windows and Roofing, we have been a major contributor to Habitat for years and continue to do so due to the great organization it is and the great people they have to work with. We are very proud to be tied to Habitat for Humanity and serve the greater Omaha market.

Matt Cradick


Client Served

Rating: 5

Recently my family and I re-tiled and remodeled the "scary" bathroom in the basement--we all known the type--and purchased 95% of our materials from the ReStore. I didn't find all matching tiles though; instead, I found an array of colors, which enabled us to make a beautiful, color-complex mosaic. The tiles weren't the same material either; along with porcelain, I found limestone tiles, mica tiles, and kaleidoscopic, iron-infused shale tile. Now a tour of our house includes a geology "lesson" in the downstairs bathroom. I also didn't see the type of curtain rod I thought I needed. With what I did find, I constructed a steel cable suspension line to hold up the curtain, held in tension by an antique, cast iron, window counterweight.

At the ReStore you don't always find what you think you need; you find something better that ignites your creativity and allows you to be that person who posts to Pinterest and instructables.com, not the person who copies them.

I love the ReStore and would happily drive past 2 Menards, 5 Home Depots, and 16 Lowes to shop there.

-LaRue Diehl



Rating: 4

I look forward each year to volunteer to help build a home locally in my community. It is a great thing for the community and the individuals moving into the home. I learn a little, meet new people, and am able to know I contributed some effort to making some ones life a little better.

Its a great organization with a good cause you actually see the results of. Highly recommend donating your time and/or money. The staff is great to work with as well.



Rating: 5

I've had the privilege to volunteer with Habitat in various ways over 20 years. It's compelling to see the "hand up, not a hand out" concept in action for those truly in need. I appreciate how Habitat values Jesus' statement concerning those in need, "as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."



Rating: 5

Habitat Omaha is on my annual giving list! I trust that they use my donations wisely to help more families in need. They are working hard to improve struggling neighborhoods and help low-income families. I encourage others to support their important work.



Rating: 5

It is has been a joy to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity of Omaha because the organization is extraordinarily well run. The management and staff are, to a person, totally committed to helping Omaha families and they do it efficiently and enthusiastically. I'm a believer in the The Habitat For Humanity model because it just makes good sense. It offers families a hand up and not a hand out. Habitat for Humanity of Omaha is a great nonprofit.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

Habitat for Humanity of Omaha is a life-changing organization and they do it by providing a hand up, not a hand out byt providing safe, decent houseing not only to those in need in Omaha, but also to people in need in other countries around the world I have had the opportunity to volunteer and even serve on the boards of many not-for-profit organizations, and Habitat for Humanity of Omaha is exceptionally well run and does an amazing job of really delivering for the people they serve. It is an organization filled with top-notch, dedicated individuals.



Rating: 5

I have volunteered through the young professionals group for 4 years now and have had a great experience! This is an excellent way for young leaders to get involved in the community, meet people and grow themselves professionally. Not to mention, it so rewarding to be a part of the builds and meet the families you are impacting firsthand! They really do make the community a better place!



Rating: 5

Omaha Door & Window has had nothing but awesome experiences with Habitat for Humanity. We have donated consistently to the Habitat Restore for several years, but most recently we donated a large quantity of siding. There was a lot of material to be transported and Habitat sent a large and very efficient crew to help move the large bundles of siding. They loaded two semi-trailers and multiple box trucks in one day. It was a well-organized effort and Omaha Door & Window enjoyed teaming up with this worthwhile organization. Their commitment and passion to help families in need is inspiring and we look forward to donating in the future.



Rating: 5

I started working with Habitat for Humanity of Omaha in the capacity of assisting with marketing. I've volunteered for many organizations over the years, and have grown to truly enjoy my relationship with the Omaha team. They are an astute group that has a sincere passion for what they do. The team is respectful of their volunteers time and talents, and take their mission to heart. They are thoughtful strategists and a joy to work with. There are few organizations that make volunteering FUN - the Habitat Omaha team has actually got that figured out!



Rating: 5

Our company first started working with Habitat volunteering to transport useable + sale able product between Des Moines and Omaha ReStore locations on our trucking system. Because of what we saw in how the local Habitat organization has grown as a quality alternative for families that would otherwise not have an option for home ownership, we engaged our customer network for their participation by donating excess home building materials to be used in home construction or to help offet building costs keeping home ownership affordable.

By their actions, the entire Habitat Team has shown us their commitment to serving the community and engaging families that are pursuing a second chance in life. Because of this, our personal commitment will continue for the mission Habitat brings to the area.



Rating: 5

I have been a donor and volunteer with Habitat for Humanity of Omaha since college and can't say enough good things about the organization. I love their strategic approach to developing entire neighborhoods - going well beyond just building homes. The staff, volunteers and families involved in the work are always so friendly and welcoming. Its fun to see people from different backgrounds come together to achieve a common goal. Each time I leave a build site, I feel empowered and inspired. Thank you Habitat!



Rating: 5

I am a volunteer crew leader with HFH Omaha. The office and support staff work extremely hard to provide our crews with the technical and logistical support that we need. This has been a continually improving process that has seen a very positive change over the last five years. The overall organization has continued to improve the growth in families served and the facilities to support staff and volunteers. The new safety initiative is another positive step forward.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I shop at the ReStore and I love it! You never know what great items you will find and the best part is they are well below the retail price. I save lots of money while helping a great cause. I know that money from the ReStore helps to build more houses. It's a win win.



Rating: 5

I have been a Habitat Omaha donor for several years, both financially and items to the ReStore. They are very appreciative of my support and I know they use my gifts wisely. 90% of all resources are spent directly on programs to help more families. I feel valued and appreciated and know that my gifts are making a difference.



Rating: 5

I have logged 100s of hours of build time with this group, and even had the opportunity to go abroad with them, and you wont find a better group anywhere. They have outstanding leadership from top to bottom in this organization, and it shows. They are organized, passionate and deeply knowledgeable about their mission, and have a very thoughtful strategic plan to execute. They have engaged this community in a way that really makes them the model for habitat affiliates.



Rating: 4

By joining Habitat Omaha's Young Professionals group, I've been able to build houses, raised money, and spread the word about Habitat. Plus I've made some great friends!



Rating: 5

I have been a volunteer on several home builds in the past. The staff at Habitat for Humanity of Omaha are the best! They make everyone feel very welcome no matter what their building skill level is. The organization is transforming run down and dilapidated neighborhoods into pockets of safe family environments.



Rating: 5

My church coalition, the ELFs (Ecumenical Labor Force), dedicated their rehab house yesterday. A family from Bhutan will be buying the house which is right across the street from the local elementary school and 2 blocks from the middle and high school. Their lives will be transformed.

I have been active in HFH Omaha for over 20 years so a 5 star rating comes naturally to me.



Rating: 5

Habitat for Humanity Omaha is changing the face of some of Omaha's most blighted areas. I first became involved with the agency in another city I lived in but became truely passionate for Habitat's mission when my husband and I became active volunteers in Omaha three years ago. Since our involvement my husband has participated in the building of three homes, we have sat on fundraising committees and chaired an event for the organization this past September which was extremely successful and a truely gratifying experience. We are eager to do more for the organization and continue our involvement.



Rating: 5

I was a volunteer one Saturday to work on a home in north Omaha. I very much enjoyed the experience and felt really comfortable and rewarded for my involvement. The Habitat Omaha team are great people who are sincere in their efforts and eager to help those less fortunate. Keep up the good work - you are making a difference!!


Board Member

Rating: 5

Habitat for Humanity of Omaha is the most professionally run charity with which I have ever worked. Because of effective and caring leadership, it continues to grow year after year, providing decent, affordable homes for God's people in need. Habit doesn't provide "a hand out," it provides "a hand up" for the working poor who live in inadequate, sometimes dangerous housing. At it transforms the lives of individual families, it is also transforming entire neighborhoods in our city. Its impact is immense.