The Multidisciplinary Preprint Platform

Pre-Graduate and Post-Graduate Medical Education in the Health Sciences
Prof. Dr. Joaquín María García-Estañ López
Ecofriendly Materials
Dr. Manoj Gupta
Teaching Sociology
Prof. Dr. Sandro Nuno Ferreira de Serpa
Food Analytical Methods
Prof. Dr. Gavino Sanna
Quantum Computing
Prof. Dr. Lester Ingber


Clusters of Hepatitis of Unknown Origin and Etiology (Acute Non HepA–E Hepatitis) Among Children in 2021/2022: A Review of the Current Findings
Several clusters and individual cases of acute —often severe— hepatitis have been reported in Europe —mainly in the United Kingdom (U.K.)—, the United States (U.S.) and recently in Asia since ...
Evolution of Brains and Computers: The Roads not Taken
When computers start to become a dominant part of technology around the 1950s, fundamental questions about reliable designs and robustness were of great relevance. Their development gave rise to ...
Biological Constraint as a Cause of Aging
Aging rate differs greatly between species, indicating that the process of senescence is largely genetically determined. Senescence evolves in part due to antagonistic pleiotropy (AP), where selection favors gene variants ...
Replacing Sustainable Development: Potential Frameworks for International Cooperation in an Era of Increasing Crises and Disasters.
This transdisciplinary review of research about international cooperation on social and environmental change builds the case for replacing Sustainable Development as the dominant framework for an era of increasing crises ...
How Risky if China Moves Away from Its Zero-COVID Policy?
There are two contrary opinions regarding the risk if mainland China (MC) moves away from its zero-COVID policy. Some experts think the risk shall be much lower than influenza as ...


Effect of Sintering Temperature on the Properties of CuAlO2 Synthesized from Nano-sized Precursors for Application in Smart Infrastructure Systems
The current study aims to evaluate the influence of different sintering temperatures on the thermoelectric properties of copper aluminum oxide (CuAlO2) pellets synthesized from copper oxide (CuO) and aluminum hydroxide ...
Quality of Research in Residents of Medical Specialties after a Standardized Digital Training Program with Rubrics
Introduction: In the medical area, teaching is essential since it must offer the appropriate instruments to demonstrate that graduates have acquired the necessary skills. Objective: Evaluate the quality of research ...
The Prediction of Hypertension Risk
This article presents an estimation of the hypertension risk based on a dataset on 1007 individuals. The application of a Tobit Model shows that “Hypertension” is positively associated to “Age”, ...
Predicting COVID-19 Infections in Eswatini Using the Maximum Likelihood Estimation Method
COVID-19 national spikes have been reported at varying temporal scales as a result of differences in the driving factors. Factors affecting case load and mortality rates have varied between countries ...
HyperDbg: Reinventing Hardware-Assisted Debugging
Software analysis, debugging, and reverse engineering have a crucial impact in today’s software industry. Efficient and stealthy debuggers are especially relevant for malware analysis. However, existing debugging platforms fail to ...
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