Strengthening Health Departments to Better Serve their Communities

Through public health accreditation and promotion of innovation, we support health departments in their work to promote and protect the health of the communities they serve. We believe both accreditation and innovation are critical to public health transformation; together they can ensure that health departments are continually improving in line with national public health standards while building health and equity. Through accreditation, we are committed to strengthening health departments’ capacity to deliver essential public health services while inspiring new and innovative approaches to public health practice through the Public Health National Center for Innovations (PHNCI).

PHAB Accreditation
people holding hands

What’s New? PHAB in 2022

PHAB has many exciting initiatives coming up next year, including Version 2022 of our Standards and Measures and the Pathways Recognition Program. Part of our commitment to public health departments is to continuously improve our products and services. These updates reflect our efforts to be responsive and adapt to the changing landscape of public health, including increasing the emphasis on health equity.

Version 2022 – Standards & Measures

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Pathways Recognition Program

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Impact of Accreditation

Accreditation positively impacts health departments and the communities that they serve in many ways. Learn more >
Data below are based on surveys of accredited health departments, as part of an evaluation conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago.

Quality Improvement
The percentage of health departments who said accreditation stimulates quality and performance improvement opportunities.
The percentage of health departments who said that accreditation has strengthened their health department’s relationship with key partners in other sectors.
The percentage of health departments who said accreditation has improved the health department’s accountability to external stakeholders.
The percentage of health departments who said that since becoming accredited, the utilization of resources within their health department has improved.

COVID-19 and Health Departments

As we continue to manage the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have created supplemental guidance to help health departments maneuver through the accreditation or reaccreditation process. We have also compiled additional resources which may be useful in ongoing response efforts.

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News and Events

Accreditation Works!

Welcome to PHAB’s Accreditation Works! series. Here, 65  health departments share first-hand testimonials about the benefits national accreditation brings to their health department and community. PHAB’s Accreditation Works! series is updated regularly and archived by category here.

See “Accreditation Works!” Stories by Category
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