List of countries by average wage

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The average wage is a measure of total income after taxes divided by total number of employees employed. In this article, the average wage is adjusted for living expenses "purchasing power parity" (PPP). This is not to be confused with the average income which is a measure of total income including wage, investment benefit, and other capital gains divided by total number of people in the population including non-working residents. Average wages can differ from median wages; for example, the Social Security Administration estimated that the 2020 average wage in the United States was $53,383, while the 2020 median wage was $34,612.[1]

OECD statistics[edit]

The OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) dataset contains data on average annual wages for full-time and full-year equivalent employees in the total economy. Average annual wages per full-time equivalent dependent employee are obtained by dividing the national-accounts-based total wage bill by the average number of employees in the total economy, which is then multiplied by the ratio of average usual weekly hours per full-time employee to average usually weekly hours for all employees.

Average wages are converted in US dollar nominal using 2013 US dollar nominal for private consumption and are deflated by a price deflator for private final consumption expenditures in 2013 prices. The OECD is a weighted average based on dependent employment weights in 2013 for the countries shown.[2]

However, the amount of wage theft in each country due to different labor rights is not included in these statistics.[3]