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Podcast Episode - Securing the Vote

Electronic Frontier Foundation
The leading nonprofit defending
digital privacy, free speech,
and innovation.

The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.

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Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

11th Circuit's Ruling to Uphold Injunction Against Florida’s Social Media Law is a Win Amid a Growing Pack of Bad Online Speech Bills

There’s a lot to like in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeal’s ruling that much of Florida’s social media law—the parts which would prohibit internet platforms from removing or moderating any speech by or about political candidates or by “journalistic enterprises”—likely violate the First Amendment and should remain on...

How to fix the internet: securing the vote with pam smith

Podcast Episode: Securing the Vote

U.S. democracy is at an inflection point, and how we administer and verify our elections is more important than ever. From hanging chads to glitchy touchscreens to partisan disinformation, too many Americans worry that their votes won’t count and that election results aren’t trustworthy. It’s crucial that citizens have well-justified...

EFF Opposes Anti-Fiber, Anti-Affordability Legislation in California That Will Raise Prices on Middle Income Users

SACRAMENTO, CA – The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) opposes legislation sponsored by AT&T, AB 2749 (Quirk-Silva), that would undermine California’s historic broadband infrastructure law signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom last July.The bill would amend the newly created grant program for funding broadband access in unserved areas by prohibiting the...

La nueva política del DOJ sobre la CFAA es un buen comienzo pero no va lo suficientemente lejos para proteger a los investigadores de seguridad

La Ley de fraude y abuso informático(CFAA), la notoriamente imprecisa ley contra la piratería informática, debería haber sido reformada hace tiempo. Entre otros muchos problemas, la CFAA se ha utilizado para perseguir a los investigadores de seguridad cuyo trabajo de descubrimiento de vulnerabilidades de software suele irritar a las...

¿Quién defiende tus datos?

Dos de los principales ISP de Perú mejoran sus prácticas de transparencia, mientras que dos competidores se quedan atrás, según el nuevo informe de Hiperderecho

Los dos principales operadores de telecomunicaciones de Perú, Movistar (Telefónica) y Claro (América Móvil) continuaron obteniendo altas calificaciones por ser transparentes en cuanto a las solicitudes de datos de los usuarios por parte del gobierno, mientras que sus competidores Bitel (Viettel) y Entel mejoraron ligeramente las prácticas de promoción de...

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