
Good Sex With Emily Jamea: Is an Open Relationship Right for You?

There are options beyond monogamy — but it’s important to be comfortable with whatever you choose

Qué influencia tiene el eccema en la salud sexual

El eccema puede causar inseguridad en las mujeres y eso puede traer consigo una carencia de relaciones íntimas

Sex After Bladder Cancer

Many women struggle with their sexuality after treatment, but it is possible to have a satisfying sex life after bladder cancer

How Eczema Affects Sexual Health

Eczema can make women self-conscious and can lead to a lack of intimacy

Good Sex With Emily Jamea: How to Tell Your Partner About an STI

Having a sexually transmitted infection is a hard thing to admit, but honesty is always the best policy

What’s Hot About Menopause? Sex!

The big change can be a big plus in the bedroom

Good Sex With Emily Jamea: How to Cope With Your Partner’s Sexual Dysfunction

Sometimes taking the pressure off can bring the pleasure back

Good Sex With Emily Jamea: The Paradox of Desire

You want it. Your partner doesn’t. What’s a couple to do?

Good Sex With Emily Jamea: Sexual Fantasies

Think your sexual fantasy is weird? I promise it’s not.

Good Sex With Emily Jamea: The Burden of Sexual Shame

Identifying and understanding the roots of your sexual shame are key to letting it go

Why Covid-19 Must Be Included in Safer Sex Messaging on College Campuses

With Covid-19 with us for the foreseeable future, it has become increasingly clear that educators need to develop a new definition of safer sex

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