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BuddyPress 7.2.1 Security Release

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  • Hi,

    thanks for the update.

    I realized the date is wrong in the release post (March 16, 2019).

    It’s not important, but just to inform you.

    Best regards,
    José Andrés

    Thanks a lot! It’s fixed 🙂

    Mike Witt


    The buddypress rest api is not installed automatically (like the wordpress api) right?

    So if I haven’t specifically installed the BP REST API then I can just update normally in my next scheduled site maintenance, correct? Just checking.

    Hi @mike80222

    By default just like the WordPress REST API, the BuddyPress one is active by default and is used into the UI to manage group members from the Group’s Administration & Management screens. If you want to disable the BP REST API, you need to use this filter into a bp-custom.php file for example:

    add_filter( 'bp_rest_api_is_available', '__return_false' );

    Mike Witt


    OK, thanks @imath.

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