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  1. 16 avr.

    “People don’t fake depression…they fake being okay.” - Robin Williams

  2. 16 avr.
  3. Personnes Tout afficher

  4. il y a 10 heures
  5. 17 avr.
  6. 18 avr.

    Please re-Tweet to raise awareness about attacks. (image via )

  7. 20 avr.
  8. il y a 15 heures

    Maybe it’s a good day to learn a new idiomatic expression related to , yes? “In a good place” may mean that someone is emotionally in a good state, or mentally healthy. 💚🤗 Read some of Google search results on the meaning of this idiom:

  9. il y a 9 heures

    Addiction is living in a body that fights to survive with a mind that tries to die. 💚

  10. il y a 8 heures

    Me once again trying to explain to my Amma and her telling me that I’m not praying enough.😑

  11. il y a 23 heures
  12. il y a 23 heures

    2 years ago this week, I tried 2 kill myself. 14 zopiclone, 8 diazepam, 24 codeine couldn’t finish me off. Still here, fucking grateful, inspired and motivated to live the best fucking life I can. Cheers Twitter cunts 🥳

  13. il y a 23 heures

    How does service work in a functional system? Because overwhelmed therapists who don’t want the liability of clients who are suicidal makes it pretty hard to function in the USA. not here

  14. il y a 23 heures
  15. il y a 23 heures

    My CHILL arrived today. Had my first but, felt immediate effects. Shoulders less tense, mind calmer, anxiety reduced. Totally worth it.

  16. il y a 23 heures
  17. il y a 23 heures

    Decent run today. Pods in, head down and just run. I've got such a busy head and a long(ish) run let's me switch off, even just for a bit. Gym and swim tomorrow morning; relax and recharge 🏊‍♂️ 🏋🏻‍♀️

  18. 20 avr.

    THIS 👇🙁👇 (thread) The removal of mask mandates AND needing to be around / who often attend super spreader events has wreaked HAVOC on my 🙁

  19. il y a 23 heures

    As Teen Mental Health Worsens, Schools Learn How to Help - via

  20. il y a 23 heures
  21. il y a 23 heures
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