CRC Thanks Leslie Gevurtz for more than 7 years of board service

Community Resources for Children thanks Leslie Gevurtz for more than 7 years of board service. Her passion for improving the quality of life of CRC’s clients was evident in the fundraising events she helped plan, the many hours she volunteered on the Board and on various committees, and the financial contributions she made to CRC. Leslie contributed to CRC with her extensive experience in sales, paralegal services, real estate, restaurant ownership, and business promotions, but it was her passion for art that will leave a lasting impact on the organization; with her artistic talent and eye for design, Leslie was instrumental in organizing art projects for our Active Minds early learning program and helping us plan and set up beautiful and whimsical silent auction lots and presentations at our fundraising events.

As the owner/educator at Art Lab, Leslie provides art instruction to children, teens and adults. She was founding faculty and Art Specialist at Blue Oak School from 2002-2013 and has developed and implemented visual art curriculum at a multitude of Napa Valley schools, both public and private.

Thank you for your contributions to CRC and the families and children in our community, Leslie!

Dr. Sabina Correa
Board Chair, Community Resources for Children