Your baby's eyes are open! If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, you may feel her respond with a burst of wiggles.
Kegels can help you avoid hemorrhoids and leaking urine when you sneeze. Learn know how to do them right.
Yes, your feet are spreading due to fluid retention and looser ligaments. So buy a few pairs of comfortable, roomy shoes.
You're in your sixth month!
Eyes wide open
Your baby's eyelids, which have been fused shut, can now open and close, and she may blink in response to light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, you may feel her respond with a burst of flutters and wiggles.
Hic, hic
Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother her, so just relax and enjoy the tickle.
Extra body hair
Your facial and body hair may grow faster when you're pregnant, possibly because of an increase in hormones called androgens.
Restless legs
Around this time, some women feel an unpleasant "creepy-crawly" sensation in their lower legs and an irresistible urge to move them while trying to relax or sleep. If this sensation is at least temporarily relieved when you move, you may have what's known as restless legs syndrome.
Don't see your symptom?
Wondering about a symptom you have? Find it on our pregnancy symptoms page.
Get ready for more prenatal visits
In the third trimester you'll be seeing your caregiver more often. Find out what you can expect at each visit.
Get our third-trimester shopping checklist
These must-haves for you and your baby will make the end of pregnancy and the beginning of parenting more manageable.
Keep track of your baby's movements
Pay attention to your baby's kicks, twitches, and rolls – and let your doctor or midwife know right away if you notice a decrease in movement. Your provider may recommend that you spend some time each day counting your baby's kicks.