Error message

Warning: Use of undefined constant openphil_social - assumed 'openphil_social' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in openphil_social_block_block_view() (line 90 of /var/www/html/openphil/live/sites/all/modules/custom/openphil_social_block/openphil_social_block.module).

Economic Policy Institute — Macroeconomic Policy Research (2020)

Organization Name 
Award Date 
Grant Amount 
To support macroeconomic policy research.
Topic (focus area) 

Grant investigator: Alexander Berger

This page was reviewed but not written by the grant investigator. Economic Policy Institute staff also reviewed this page prior to publication.

Open Philanthropy recommended a grant of $550,000 over two years to the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) to support macroeconomic policy research. EPI plans to use these funds to continue to produce policy-relevant research on the ways in which macroeconomic policy can boost living standards for working Americans, including work on different aspects of the relationships between unemployment, wage growth, inflation, and productivity.

This follows our July 2018 support and falls within our focus area of macroeconomic stabilization policy.