Error message

Warning: Use of undefined constant openphil_social - assumed 'openphil_social' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in openphil_social_block_block_view() (line 90 of /var/www/html/openphil/drupal/sites/all/modules/custom/openphil_social_block/openphil_social_block.module).

International Cooperation Committee of Animal Welfare — Farm Animal Welfare in Asia

ICCAW Staff. (Photo Courtesy of ICCAW)
Award Date 
Grant Amount 
To support work to continue improvements in farm animal welfare in Asia.
Topic (focus area) 

Grant investigator: Lewis Bollard

This page was reviewed but not written by the grant investigator. International Cooperation Committee of Animal Welfare staff also reviewed this page prior to publication.

The Open Philanthropy Project recommended two grants totaling $1,099,020 over two years to the International Cooperation Committee of Animal Welfare (ICCAW), via Give2Asia and the China Association for the Promotion of International Agricultural Cooperation, to support work to organize a major farm animal welfare conference, host animal welfare trainings for producers, translate the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s animal welfare website into Chinese, promote the “Good Product Welfare” awards that ICCAW works on with Compassion in World Farming, and support local outreach on farm animal welfare.

These grants fall within our focus area of farm animal welfare.