Error message

Warning: Use of undefined constant openphil_social - assumed 'openphil_social' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in openphil_social_block_block_view() (line 90 of /var/www/html/openphil/live/sites/all/modules/custom/openphil_social_block/openphil_social_block.module).

Pure Earth — Support for Reducing Lead Exposure in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Organization Name 
Award Date 
Grant Amount 
To support work on reducing lead exposure in low- and middle-income countries.
Topic (focus area) 

Open Philanthropy recommended a GiveWell Incubation Grant of $2,130,000 to Pure Earth to work on reducing lead exposure in low- and middle-income countries. GiveWell Incubation Grants are recommended by GiveWell staff, and support the development of potential future top charities.

See GiveWell’s page on this grant for more details.