We partner with farmers and corporations to build resilient, restorative and biodiverse food systems.

For over 20 years we have partnered with some of the most iconic food brands and organisations. Together we have delivered award-winning programmes and results.

Humanity is facing the twin-crises of biodiversity loss and climate change. Food production takes up almost half of the planet's land surface and has impacted every ocean fishery. This affects everyone, but as an industry we have a responsibility and unique opportunity to act.

We are farmers, scientists and consultants. We understand the challenges and the power of cooperation to solve them. Our impacts are well evidenced, and benefit the welfare and health of animals, the environment, business and community.

“Over the years FAI has played a critical role in determining the direction of our key agriculture programs. Bringing practical farming experience and deep sustainability knowledge to bear, FAI has helped ensure these programs bring value to both our business and those of our farmers.”

Keith Kenny
Vice President of Sustainability
McDonald’s Corporation


We help businesses develop and deliver their strategies. Our promise to our clients is to always bring the following four ingredients to the table.



Define the problem and opportunity: we draw on 20 years of practical farming experience and immense scientific knowledge.


Develop best practice considering emerging and existing infrastructure and technology.


Scale solutions: from tech, to training, to supply chain reengineering and partnerships.


Demonstrate impact: we collect and analyze data in order to communicate system change.


Soil Health - A National Security Priority?

Global warming, biodiversity loss, food and water – they are connected, above all else, by soil health.

Join our expert panel at the launch of a new report by the Food & Global Security Network.

eLearning: Foundations of Regenerative Agriculture

It starts with you

This course is the perfect starting point for anyone looking to learn more about one of the most promising potential solutions to biodiversity loss and global warming. Through an interactive online learning you will better understand the challenges and opportunities of regenerative agriculture.

We explain how leveraging ecological principles and processes can move us towards food production practices that build resilience while at the same time producing the highest quality, nutrient-dense and delicious foods.

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