About EAST

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The Environment & Animal Society of Taiwan (EAST) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization campaigning for improvements for animals, people and the environment in Taiwan. EAST was established in 1999. We believe that human welfare is closely linked with animal welfare and environmental protection.

We aim to address the roots of problems. Our research uncovers cruelties and injustices that society would otherwise not be aware of. We also believe that effective change needs to happen at a legislative level as well as through awareness-raising and institutional education.

Besides advocating for better welfare for companion animals, farm animals, wildlife and experimental animals, we actively engage in many environmental issues. We also promote freedom of government information, and lobby for the improvement of existing legislation, with better citizen participation in public policy-making in Taiwan.


ducks battery cages cage-free campaign progress farmed animal welfare

Taiwan shuts gate on cruel duck cages

Taiwan has issued a ban on new battery cage farms for egg-laying ducks, slamming the brakes on a shift towards cages in the local duck egg industry.
constitutional recognition constitution

Animal groups roar over constitutional snub

On January 17, protestors dressed as chickens, rabbits, pigs and monkeys descended on Taiwan’s legislature to protest the exclusion of animal protection from the constitutional amendment debate.
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社團法人台灣動物社會研究會 All rights reserved by EAST 立案證號:台內社字第八九〇九四〇〇號 法人登記證號:110證他字第35號 (02)22369735~6 02-23651701 eastfree@east.org.tw 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段162號3樓之3
劃撥帳號:19461051 戶名:社團法人台灣動物社會研究會 網站協力:拾穗者文化