What are the Eight Steps to Justice? Find out here.

Safety and Justice Oregon

Putting Oregon on the right path for public safety.

Safety and Justice Oregon is our state’s leading advocate for public safety policy reform. We advance solutions that make Oregon’s criminal justice system more effective and just for people convicted of crime, survivors of crime, and the families of both.

Learn about how Partnership for Safety & Justice is responding to the coronavirus pandemic.

Building a movement for a safer and stronger Oregon.

Our priorities include:

  • Advancing sentencing reform grounded in research to effectively promote public safety and reduce correction costs
  • Ensuring care for crime victims by protecting and strengthening victim services
  • Promoting community-based addiction treatment, mental health services, re-entry programs, and law enforcement approaches proven to reduce crime and create long-term savings for the state
  • Partnering with a wide variety of public safety stakeholders including justice-involved people and their families, survivors of crime, criminal justice agencies, legislators, law enforcement, and district attorneys.
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“We can’t incarcerate our way to public safety.

We need solutions that address addiction, mental health, and poverty. That’s why I’m proud to work with Safety and Justice Oregon. Together, we’re advancing a more balanced approach to crime that holds people accountable, helps survivors heal, and keeps our communities safe.”

– Rep. Tawna Sanchez, Oregon House District 43