Recommending and promoting changes to U.S. policy and law to strengthen national biodefense while optimizing resource investments.

  • A new report from the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense finds that America’s land-grant universities can play a critical role in protecting the Nation’s food and agriculture, and details 15 specific recommendations to maximize their effectiveness. Titled "Boots on the Ground: Land-Grant Universities in the Fight Against Threats to Food and Agriculture," the report’s recommendations address the coordination of federal and land-grant food and agro-biodefense efforts, early warning of threats to food and agriculture, and incorporation of land-grant universities into preparedness, response, and mitigation of various possible events.

Commission announces new Deputy Director position to lead biodefense policy and research efforts


The new Deputy Director will support the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense by leading biodefense policy analysis and research about the prevention, deterrence, preparedness for, surveillance and detection of, response to, attribution of, recovery from, and mitigation of naturally occurring, accidentally released, and intentionally introduced biological threats. This is a senior, high-visibility position and the successful candidate is expected to serve as a strategic planner, manager, supervisor and substantive expert, reporting directly to the Executive Director and serving as the Acting Executive Director when necessary. The pandemic of 2020 has shined a spotlight on the Commission’s work and this new Deputy Director joins at an exciting time of high-intensity focus and rapid-growth. If you are interested, please send your resume to

Watch the Commission’s May 3, 2022 meeting, “When Borders Don’t Matter: Defending the Homeland Against Biological Threats”, which provided the Commission with a better understanding of: (1) biological incidents that affect homeland and national security; (2) roles and responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in addressing biological threats; and (3) opportunities to enhance national biodefense.