The Center for Global Health Science and Security at Georgetown University, directed by Dr. Rebecca Katz, was formally established in September 2016. The Center’s multi-disciplinary team develops evidence for action, providing decision makers with the tools they need for sustainable capacity building to prevent, detect and respond to public health emergencies. The team incorporates expertise in epidemiology, microbiology, virology, animal and human health systems, demography, economics, finance, statistics, and law.


We are actively contributing to efforts to address the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. For more on these efforts please visit our COVID-19 website.

Our Mission

To mitigate the threats posed by outbreaks and other public health emergencies by enriching the evidence base for informed decision-making and promoting sustainable capacity development.

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Our Team:

We are a dedicated community of scientists, policy analysts, students, and experts.

Learn more about Our Team

Our Work:

We develop evidence for action by mapping and strengthening public health systems, offering policy analysis and advice, and developing global health tools and curricula.

Learn more about Our Work



We are excited to announce that we will be editing a new volume of our book, Inoculating Cities, focused on the COVID-19 response in cities and urban environments around the world. It is our pleasure to invite interested parties to submit proposals for chapters to be included in this new volume.

For more information on this effort and instructions on how to submit a proposal, please see the Request for Proposals.


Under the guidance of Dr. Claire Standley, Emily Hardy led an effort within the Gender & COVID-19 working group to develop a checklist for health researchers to ensure their work is gender sensitive. The checklist includes guidance for the whole life cycle of research, from proposal development and planning to data collection, analysis and dissemination.

Access the checklist here


The lack of a shared understanding of response requirements has hindered the preparedness and response to infectious disease threats. To fill this gap, in collaboration with our colleagues at Talus Analytics, we have created the Georgetown Outbreak Activity Library (GOAL), an online platform that clearly identifies all of the activities and actors involved in preparedness, response, and recovery of infectious disease outbreaks.

Access GOAL here

Support Us

Help us improve global health by supporting our research and education activities. With your support, we can continue to help prepare the world for the next pandemic.

Contact us to learn more about opportunities or to make a gift online. We thank you for your support!