Your Health

Should You Worry About Data From Your Period-Tracking App Being Used Against You?

A 2019 study found that 79% of health apps available through the Google Play store regularly shared user data. The data could conceivably be used in a criminal prosecution.

Your Care

My Quest for Uninterrupted Sleep

I’ve had insomnia for more than a decade, but I’m finally taking charge

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Cómo manejar un diagnóstico de cáncer colorrectal

Un diagnóstico de cáncer colorrectal puede causar mucha angustia. Aquí encontrarás que debes hacer.

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Cáncer colorrectal 101

Información sobre los principios básicos del cáncer colorrectal, quién tiene más riesgo y cómo puedes incrementar tus probabilidades de supervivencia si desarrollas la enfermedad

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Understanding Advanced Breast Cancer Treatment

When it comes to treating advanced breast cancer, no two treatment plans are alike

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Información sobre el tratamiento de cáncer de mama avanzado

Ningún plan de tratamiento de cáncer de mama avanzado es igual a otro

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What’s Behind the US Baby Formula Shortage – and How to Make Sure It Doesn’t Happen Again

The shortage will affect some parents more than others. Not surprisingly, the most affected parents are those on the lowest income.

Family & Caregiving

Life After Diagnosis: Navigating the Things You Love with Urothelial Bladder Cancer

Tips to help you maintain your everyday lifestyle after a UBC diagnosis

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Good Sex With Emily Jamea: Is an Open Relationship Right for You?

There are options beyond monogamy — but it’s important to be comfortable with whatever you choose

Sexual Health

The Truth About Being a Cancer Warrior

How battle language can make someone with breast cancer feel like a lone soldier

Real Women, Real Stories

How To Avoid Falls in Your Home

Falls can be very dangerous. Watch this video to learn how to protect yourself in your home.

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