Real Women, Real Stories

My Quest for Uninterrupted Sleep

I’ve had insomnia for more than a decade, but I’m finally taking charge

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The Truth About Being a Cancer Warrior

How battle language can make someone with breast cancer feel like a lone soldier

Real Women, Real Stories

My Symptoms Were Dismissed as Hemorrhoids, but I Had Colon Cancer

My cancer diagnosis led me to appreciate the little things — and learn to dance

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I Contracted a Superbug That’s a Top Public Health Threat — And It’s More Common Than You Think

I was super-healthy, and I never thought I would get an infection that wouldn’t respond to treatment

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I Became a Bladder Cancer Survivor at 30

Bladder cancer most often affects older adults. My diagnosis was an exception.

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Chemo Day Is Always Better With Costumes, Wigs and Props

Some people knit. Others sleep. I’m putting on my own personal Broadway show from my chair at chemo.

Real Women, Real Stories

I Made a Promise to My Son

In the 10 years since my son died from a treatable condition, I’ve helped pass legislation to save other children — but there’s still work to do

Real Women, Real Stories

The Unicorn in the Room: My Infertility Journey Led to an Unexpected Discovery

Fertility testing revealed that I have a rare condition that makes becoming and staying pregnant difficult

Real Women, Real Stories

A Thanksgiving Nightmare Ends in Gratitude

I thought my son was fully vaccinated against meningitis. He wasn’t — and you might not be either.

Real Women, Real Stories

When I was 32, I Was Getting Ready to Marry and Have Kids. Then I Was Diagnosed With Colorectal Cancer.

I never imagined I could get colorectal cancer at such a young age

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Eczema Cost Me My Self-Esteem. Now, I’m on the Path to Getting It Back.

My first eczema breakout at 34 came out of nowhere and flung me into a deep depression. A decade later, I’m still managing the ups and downs.

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It Took 3 Decades for Me to Receive an Endometriosis Diagnosis

Even though I had access to comprehensive healthcare and specialists, my symptoms were still dismissed

Real Women, Real Stories
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Real Women, Real Stories