Expert Perspectives

Women Having Surgery Get Better Results if Their Surgeon Is a Woman

Recent research finds that women are less likely to have complications or die when their surgeon is a woman

Your Care

Rick Bright Talks to HealthyWomen About Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

The doctor who resigned from the Trump administration to raise the alarm about Covid-19 is now raising the alarm about AMR

Your Care

AMR 101 With Dr. Uzma Syed

Learn about the dangers of antimicrobial resistance with infectious disease physician Dr. Uzma Syed

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Conversación sobre la salud: Preguntas y respuestas sobre el insomnio

Las dificultades para dormir pueden implicar más que una simple molestia. Puede ser la causa o el resultado de otras condiciones médicas. Lee este artículo para obtener más información sobre el insomnio.

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The 1 in 10 U.S. Doctors With Reservations About Vaccines Could Be Undermining the Fight Against Covid-19

Recent study finds that the same factors thought to encourage hesitancy in the general public – like having right-leaning political views – might also motivate physician opposition to vaccination

Your Health

Vaccine Hesitancy Is Complicating Physicians’ Obligation to Respect Patient Autonomy During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Over the past couple of decades there has been a shift away from upholding patient autonomy to prioritizing public health

Your Health

Clinically Speaking: Questions and Answers About Insomnia

Trouble sleeping can be more than just a nuisance. It can be the cause or result of other medical conditions. Read on to find out more about insomnia.

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15 Minutes With Dr. Leana Wen

The accomplished doctor weighs in on the possible future of the pandemic and the importance of public health

Your Care

Ask KHN-PolitiFact: Is My Cloth Mask Good Enough? The 2022 Edition

Wearing a cloth mask is better than not wearing a mask at all, but if you can upgrade — or layer cloth with surgical — now is the time

Your Health

Putting Yourself on the A-List

Why it is important to care of YOU in 2022

CEO Blog

How Healthcare Providers and Patients Can Limit the Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance

Antimicrobial resistance is a growing public health threat. But both patients and providers can do something about it.

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Conversation Tips for Talking With a Patient About HPV

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Nurses Are Leaving the Profession, and Replacing Them Won’t Be Easy

Nurses are physically and emotionally exhausted after working in what has been described as a "war zone" for the better part of the past year and a half

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Transgender Medicine – What Care Looks Like, Who Seeks It out and What’s Still Unknown: 3 Essential Reads

Access to transgender medical care has been under attack in many places in the U.S.

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