Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, sometimes disabling, disease of the central nervous system. In MS, the immune system—for reasons still not understood—attacks and destroys myelin and the oligodendrocytes that produce it. READ MORE

How Multiple Sclerosis Affects the Central Nervous System

Watch this video to find out how MS affects your central nervous system, common symptoms and the process getting diagnosed

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Despite Its Disastrous Effects, Covid-19 Offers Some Gifts to Medicine — an Immunology Expert Explains What It Can Teach Us About Autoimmune Disease

Patients with severe Covid-19 infections have symptoms that are similar to autoimmune disorder symptoms, such as blood vessel inflammation, rashes and organ damage

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I Was Diagnosed With MS at Age 35, and My Story Is One of Hope

Stress and anxiety are used interchangeably but there is a difference between them.

Real Women, Real Stories

How I Live a Life Of Hope With Multiple Sclerosis

After years of searching for a diagnosis, Terrie learn she had MS. Here is her story of hope.

Real Women, Real Stories

Beyond the Physical: How MS Affects Your Life

While providers treat the physical symptoms of MS, many women living with the disease are left to handle its mental effects alone

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Esclerosis múltiple: Qué esperar desde el diagnóstico hasta el tratamiento

Un diagnóstico de EM puede causar miedo, pero puede tener una vida normal con el tratamiento apropiado

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Multiple Sclerosis: What to Expect From Diagnosis to Treatment

A MS diagnosis is scary, but with the right treatment, you can live a normal life

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Prior Authorization Doesn’t Have to Be a Barrier to Care

If at first you are denied, try, try again

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What You Need to Know About Multiple Sclerosis

There are nearly 1 million people living with multiple sclerosis, a chronic condition of the central nervous system

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How Helping Other People Allows Me to Manage My MS Symptoms

Working toward a cure for multiple sclerosis has become my life's work — and it also makes me feel better

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Fact Facts: Everything You Need to Know About Multiple Sclerosis

Women are two to three times more likely than men to be diagnosed with multiple sclerosis; here's what you need to know

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