Self-Care & Mental Health

Insomnia Isn’t Just an Annoyance. It Can Have Serious Effects on Your Health.

Learning how to manage insomnia could help you prevent the serious health consequences of this sleep disorder

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My Quest for Uninterrupted Sleep

I’ve had insomnia for more than a decade, but I’m finally taking charge

Created With Support

The Truth About Being a Cancer Warrior

How battle language can make someone with breast cancer feel like a lone soldier

Real Women, Real Stories

You Snooze, You Lose? Sufficient Sleep Could Be Key to a Healthy Weight

A new study found that people who are overweight and optimize their sleep consume nearly 300 calories less the next day

Your Wellness

Answers About Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha’s all the buzz these days for relieving stress and fatigue. But is there anything to it?

Your Wellness

How Mental Health Affects Your Heart

Stress, depression and anxiety can affect your heart as well as your mind. What’s the connection between mental health and heart disease, and how can you reduce your risk?

Your Health

Conversación sobre la salud: Preguntas y respuestas sobre el insomnio

Las dificultades para dormir pueden implicar más que una simple molestia. Puede ser la causa o el resultado de otras condiciones médicas. Lee este artículo para obtener más información sobre el insomnio.

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Staring at an Image of Yourself on Zoom Has Serious Consequences for Mental Health – Especially for Women

While experiences with self-objectification lead both women and men to focus on their appearance, women tend to face many more negative consequences

Self-Care & Mental Health

The Unicorn in the Room: My Infertility Journey Led to an Unexpected Discovery

Fertility testing revealed that I have a rare condition that makes becoming and staying pregnant difficult

Real Women, Real Stories

Infertility Isn’t Just a Physical Journey — It’s an Emotional One, Too

Struggling with infertility can have a lasting effect on your mental health, whether your journey ends in a baby or not

Your Health

Why I’m Speaking Up About Toxic Beauty Standards

As a disabled woman, I was taught that I could never be beautiful — and that’s a problem

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Clinically Speaking: Questions and Answers About Insomnia

Trouble sleeping can be more than just a nuisance. It can be the cause or result of other medical conditions. Read on to find out more about insomnia.

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She’s Sweating, He’s Freezing — and Nobody’s Sleeping

The challenges of middle age look different for men and women, but the result can be the same

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