There are more than 70 sleep disorders. Common ones include insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome and circadian rhythm disorder. READ MORE

Insomnia Isn’t Just an Annoyance. It Can Have Serious Effects on Your Health.

Learning how to manage insomnia could help you prevent the serious health consequences of this sleep disorder

Created With Support

My Quest for Uninterrupted Sleep

I’ve had insomnia for more than a decade, but I’m finally taking charge

Created With Support

You Snooze, You Lose? Sufficient Sleep Could Be Key to a Healthy Weight

A new study found that people who are overweight and optimize their sleep consume nearly 300 calories less the next day

Your Wellness

Conversación sobre la salud: Preguntas y respuestas sobre el insomnio

Las dificultades para dormir pueden implicar más que una simple molestia. Puede ser la causa o el resultado de otras condiciones médicas. Lee este artículo para obtener más información sobre el insomnio.

Created With Support

Can Melatonin Gummies Solve Family Bedtime Struggles? Experts Advise Caution

Melatonin, a hormone released by the human pineal gland that helps regulate the sleep cycle, is sold as a dietary supplement

Family & Caregiving

Clinically Speaking: Questions and Answers About Insomnia

Trouble sleeping can be more than just a nuisance. It can be the cause or result of other medical conditions. Read on to find out more about insomnia.

Created With Support

She’s Sweating, He’s Freezing — and Nobody’s Sleeping

The challenges of middle age look different for men and women, but the result can be the same

Created With Support

Do You Have a Sleep Disorder?

Take our questionnaire to find out more

Conditions & Treatments

Why Daylight Saving Time Is Unhealthy – a Neurologist Explains

Moving our clocks ahead each March is connected with serious negative health effects

Self-Care & Mental Health

A Conversation With Nina Coslov About Perimenopause

Coslov suspected that perimenopause starts a lot earlier than most people think. So she did some research.

Your Health

You’re Getting Sleepy: What You Need to Know About Hypnosis

Despite a bad reputation, hypnosis isn’t quack science — if you’re open to it

Self-Care & Mental Health
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