
Policy Statements

HealthyWomen is proud of our advocacy on behalf of women.

Chronic Care Issues

Monthly Policy Roundup

Read our roundup of the latest policy developments and research findings on women's health


Women's Health Policy Issues

Policy decisions affect your health. Here's how.

Your Care

Women Having Surgery Get Better Results if Their Surgeon Is a Woman

Recent research finds that women are less likely to have complications or die when their surgeon is a woman

Your Care

A Recap: HealthyWomen’s Webinar, “CURES 2.0: Leading Women’s Health Forward”

HealthyWomen convened policy experts to examine the potential impact of the CURES 2.0 Act on women’s health

Created With Support

Even When IVF Is Covered by Insurance, High Bills and Hassles Abound

Only 15 states require insurance to cover fertility treatments

Access & Affordability

Should You Wear a Mask on a Plane, Bus or Train When There’s No Mandate? 4 Essential Reads to Help You Decide

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still recommends that passengers mask up while on planes, trains or buses, but it’s no longer a requirement

Your Health

Obesity Among Black Women: Fighting the Disease Through Community

Why do Black women have the highest rates of obesity in the U.S.? The answer lies beyond the numbers on the scale.

Conditions & Treatments

Healthcare Costs Are More Than a Headache

A new survey shows just how often costs affect women’s healthcare decisions

Created With Support

New Report Finds U.S. Women Have the Highest Rate of Maternal Deaths Among High-Income Countries

We knew the US healthcare system did a poor job of serving women. The Commonwealth Fund Report reveals the situation is even worse than we thought.

Your Care

What’s Sexual Orientation Got to Do With It? LGTBQ People Face Discrimination in Healthcare

It’s 2022 — and LGBTQ discrimination in healthcare is still a thing

Your Care
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The ACA guarantees full contraceptive coverage. Why are women getting denied?

Birth control is a right, but insurance companies are defying the law. They must be held accountable.

Access & Affordability

A Healthcare Lens on Honoring Black History Month

Our Senior Policy Advisor Martha Nolan shares her ideas in a new Op-Ed
