Your Care

Should You Worry About Data From Your Period-Tracking App Being Used Against You?

A 2019 study found that 79% of health apps available through the Google Play store regularly shared user data. The data could conceivably be used in a criminal prosecution.

Your Care

Women Having Surgery Get Better Results if Their Surgeon Is a Woman

Recent research finds that women are less likely to have complications or die when their surgeon is a woman

Your Care

Rick Bright Talks to HealthyWomen About Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

The doctor who resigned from the Trump administration to raise the alarm about Covid-19 is now raising the alarm about AMR

Your Care

A Recap: HealthyWomen’s Webinar, “CURES 2.0: Leading Women’s Health Forward”

HealthyWomen convened policy experts to examine the potential impact of the CURES 2.0 Act on women’s health

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HealthyWomen's 2020 Policy Survey Shows That Knowledge Is Power

How access to scientific studies and policies informs women’s health choices.

Your Care

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Antimicrobial Resistance

How superbugs make STIs more dangerous

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Even When IVF Is Covered by Insurance, High Bills and Hassles Abound

Only 15 states require insurance to cover fertility treatments

Access & Affordability

Why Do Women of Color Have Worse Breast Cancer Outcomes?

Breast cancer treatment and survival are worse for women of color. Healthcare disparities are to blame.

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Antimicrobial Resistance Is Bad News for Everyone, but May Hurt Some Communities More Than Others

Inequalities put vulnerable people at even greater risk of harm

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You Snooze, You Lose? Sufficient Sleep Could Be Key to a Healthy Weight

A new study found that people who are overweight and optimize their sleep consume nearly 300 calories less the next day

Your Wellness

Answers About Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha’s all the buzz these days for relieving stress and fatigue. But is there anything to it?

Your Wellness

AMR 101 With Dr. Uzma Syed

Learn about the dangers of antimicrobial resistance with infectious disease physician Dr. Uzma Syed

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Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet for National Prescription Drug Takeback Day

Saturday, April 30 is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day — when you can safely dispose of old or unused medications

Your Care

Conversación sobre la salud: Preguntas y respuestas sobre el insomnio

Las dificultades para dormir pueden implicar más que una simple molestia. Puede ser la causa o el resultado de otras condiciones médicas. Lee este artículo para obtener más información sobre el insomnio.

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