Family & Caregiving

What’s Behind the US Baby Formula Shortage – and How to Make Sure It Doesn’t Happen Again

The shortage will affect some parents more than others. Not surprisingly, the most affected parents are those on the lowest income.

Family & Caregiving

Eccema y los niños: Qué pueden hacer los padres para mantener saludables a sus hijos

La opinión de un dermatólogo pediátrico sobre cómo se puede ayudar a un niño con dermatitis atópica

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Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet for National Prescription Drug Takeback Day

Saturday, April 30 is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day — when you can safely dispose of old or unused medications

Your Care

A Thanksgiving Nightmare Ends in Gratitude

I thought my son was fully vaccinated against meningitis. He wasn’t — and you might not be either.

Real Women, Real Stories

Eczema and Children: What Parents Can Do to Keep Their Kids Healthy

A pediatric dermatologist weighs in on how you can help a child with atopic dermatitis

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Is Your Teen Anemic?

If your teen seems extra tired or cranky, it could be iron deficiency anemia (IDA)

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Can Melatonin Gummies Solve Family Bedtime Struggles? Experts Advise Caution

Melatonin, a hormone released by the human pineal gland that helps regulate the sleep cycle, is sold as a dietary supplement

Family & Caregiving

She’s Sweating, He’s Freezing — and Nobody’s Sleeping

The challenges of middle age look different for men and women, but the result can be the same

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It Feels Surreal When Covid Hits — but It’s Very Real

What it was like to have Covid-19 with Crohn’s and three young children

Real Women, Real Stories

How Becoming My Husband’s Caregiver in My 30s Changed My Life

We used to have big plans — now we focus on just getting through each day

Real Women, Real Stories

Questions to Ask Your Child’s Healthcare Provider About Meningitis B

Learn about the risks of meningitis B and steps you can take to protect your children from this infectious disease

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The Truth About Vaccines

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End-of-Life Conversations Can Be Hard, but Your Loved Ones Will Thank You

While 90% of adults say that talking to their loved ones about their end-of-life wishes is important, only 27% have actually had these conversations

Family & Caregiving

Why Kids Shouldn’t Eat Added Sugar Before They Turn 2, According to a Nutritional Epidemiologist

Foods and beverages high in added sugars provide a lot of calories but not a lot of nutrients

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