Future of Work Reinvented

Designing a Win-Win for People and Employers

Amid widespread talk of the Great Resignation, a recent Gartner survey of HR leaders showed 48% of organizations have significant concerns about turnover. But the attrition trend, most evident in certain locations and within certain employee groups, only describes a critical symptom of what’s happening to employee sentiment.

People are, in fact, reflecting on both life and work as the pandemic endures: 65% of employees say the pandemic has made them rethink the place that work should have in their lives; 56% say it has made them want to contribute more to society.

Smart employers will respond to peoples’ increased demands for more personal value and purpose from both life and work by offering a more human and purpose-driven employment deal — or they will find themselves unable to compete for increasingly scarce talent.


Redesigning Work for a Hybrid Future

39% of knowledge workers could leave if you insist on a 'hard return' to fully on-site work.

Use this eBook to dispel hybrid workplace myths and learn realities like:

  • If you insist on a return to fully onsite work, you risk losing talent.
  • Human-centric design, featuring flexibility and empathy, is what drives productivity and engagement.
  • Hybrid workforce models don’t risk diversity, equity and inclusion; in fact, they can help.
  • There are ways to offer employees flexibility, even when location isn’t flexible

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    Employees’ intent to stay or leave a job is a growing issue for many organizations, but it is only one thing people are questioning in light of the pandemic.

    IT workers have a 10.6% lower intent to stay than the average employee — the lowest out of all corporate functions. (Only 29% have a high intent to stay.)

    14% of employees say they would quit if forced to get vaccinated for COVID-19 as a term of their employment.

    49% of job candidates who have received a job offer are considering at least two others at the same time.

    65% of employees say the pandemic has made them rethink the place work should have in their lives.

    52% of employees say the pandemic has made them question the purpose of their day-to-day jobs.

    55% of employees and 65% of IT employees say that whether or not they can work flexibly will impact if they will stay in their jobs.

    Employees tell us what they want the future of work to be: human, hybrid and equitable. Smart organizations will listen.

    The proposition you offer your employees now — even as you plan and execute your reopening strategy — is what will determine how much and how well they contribute to your enterprise ambitions, especially around digital. We’ll continue to define work through terms like remote, distributed, automated and unbounded, but it’s time to evolve the “future of work” from a meme to a promise.

    Human-centric work design lies at the heart of a productive future of work — unless business leaders remain blind to the facts.

    The strategic and operational intent of business leaders must be to deliver good outcomes for both employees and employers, provide and produce flexibility, and deliver and demand equitable treatment and opportunity.

    Human-centric work design — featuring flexible work experiences, intentional collaboration opportunities and empathetic management — can increase employee performance by as much as 54%.

    55% of employees are high performers when provided radical flexibility over where, when and with whom they work versus 36% of those working 9 to 5 in the office.

    If required to work fully on-site, 43% of employees and 47% of knowledge workers say they would seek other jobs.

    82% of employees agree it is important that their organization sees them as a person, not just an employee.

    96% of HR leaders are more concerned about employees’ well-being today than they were before the pandemic.


    The Future of Hybrid Working

    Gartner Research Director Alexia Cambon talks about the future of hybrid and what that means for how we think about how we work.

    There’s no going back and it’s becoming clear many do not want to. Let’s reinvent the future of work and create more value for everyone.


    EP 1: Reinventing the Future of Work

    When, how and where will employees return to work? Employers have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reinvent the future of work. In this interview, Gartner experts discuss what’s at stake for organizations as they make decisions about the way work gets done.


    EP 2: Tackling Your Return to Workplace Strategy

    What are companies doing to encourage (not require) vaccinations? How do you convince a skeptical CEO of the benefits of a hybrid work model? What qualities will make managers great in the future of work? In this interview, Gartner experts discuss how to tackle your return to workplace strategies and communications.


    EP 3: Will Innovation & Collaboration Survive Hybrid Work?

    Will your employees have trouble collaborating and innovating with colleagues in a hybrid work environment? Whether employees are in the office or remote, you can introduce 4 collaboration tools to help them succeed. In this interview, Gartner experts discuss the future of work and how to unlock innovation and collaboration.


    EP 4: How to Offer Work Flexibility When Location Isn't Flexible

    While some organizations were able to shift workers to remote, what about employees who needed to be on-site? Whether on a manufacturing floor or in a retail store, some employees are not able to work from home. But organizations have begun to embrace flexibility and autonomy for these employees in different ways. In this interview, Gartner experts discuss new ways to offer work flexiblity for on-site employees.

    Get access to this level of insight all year long — plus contextualized support for your strategic priorities — by becoming a client.