News and stories to help you make something amazing, for anyone, with Drupal.

State of Drupal presentation (April 2022)

This blog has been re-posted and edited with permission from Dries Buytaert's blog.

DrupalCon North America 2022 Driesnote presentation

Last week, 1,300 Drupalists gathered in Portland, Oregon for DrupalCon North America. It was the first in-person DrupalCon in more than two years. I can't tell you how amazing it was to see everyone face-to-face.

Help get us on track for an August 2022 release of Drupal 10.0.0!

Drupal 10 release windows

Our release schedule includes three potential release dates for Drupal 10.0.0, depending on when critical requirements are completed:

  1. June 15, 2022, if key requirements are completed by March 11
  2. August 17, 2022, if key requirements are completed by May 13
  3. December 14, 2022, if key requirements are completed by September 9

Our new target release date for Drupal 10.0.0 is August 17, 2022

With about two weeks remaining until the March deadline, we are confident that the critical requirements will not be completed by that date. Therefore, we are officially announcing that our new target release date for Drupal 10.0.0 is August 17, 2022, and the beta deadline for critical requirements is May 13, 2022.

Drupal 9.3.0 is available

The third feature release of Drupal 9 introduces experimental support for CKEditor 5, makes the Olivero theme stable and introduces various content editor and developer improvements.

Who sponsors Drupal development? (2020-2021 edition)

For the past few years, I've examined's contribution data to understand how the Drupal project works. Who develops Drupal? How diverse is the Drupal community? How much of Drupal's maintenance and innovation is sponsored? Where do sponsorships come from?

Compared to last year, we have fewer contributions and fewer contributors. I believe this is the result of COVID-19, where we are in the Drupal Super Cycle, and many Drupal shops being "too busy growing".

Despite a slowdown in contribution, it's amazing to see that just in the last year, Drupal welcomed more than 7,000 individual contributors and over 1,100 corporate contributors.

All of that, and more, is explained in my report.  Check it out!

State of Drupal presentation (October 2021)

In good tradition, Dries Buytaert delivered his State of Drupal keynote at DrupalCon Europe 2021. Learn more!

Drupal 9.2.0 is available

The second feature release of Drupal 9 helps keep your site even more secure, and comes with increased visitor privacy protection, improved migration tools from Drupal 7, enhancements to the Olivero frontend theme and early support for the WebP image format.

Drupal 9.1.0 is available

The first feature release of Drupal 9 includes the new experimental Olivero frontend theme and various additions to the Claro administration theme. Installer performance is improved 20% and full Composer 2 and PHP 8 support is available. Images with known dimensions are set to lazy-load by default to improve frontend performance.

Drupal in COVID-19 Series: Podcasting for Brown Advisory

Justin EmondContinuing again with our series of articles highlighting ways that the Drupal software and its community are building solutions to help combat the effect of COVID-19, today we hear from Justin Emond of Third and Grove. Here, they describe their project for Brown Advisory.

A successful Google Summer of Code – thanks to our student, mentors and Drupal community!

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development. Students work with an open source organization on a 3 month programming project during their break from school or college. In the 16th year of the program, 1106 students from 65 countries have successfully completed Google Summer of Code in 2020, including Drupal!

State of Drupal presentation (July 2020)

This blog has been re-posted and edited with permission from Dries Buytaert's blog.

DrupalCon Global Driesnote presentation

Last week, Drupalists from around the world gathered for DrupalCon Global. This DrupalCon was the first ever virtual event of this scale for the Drupal community.


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