25 weeks pregnant

Image of a woman and her baby at 25 weeks of pregnancy.
3 Dart, LLC for BabyCenter

How your baby's growing

Your baby's beginning to make some breathing movements, though there's no air in her lungs as yet. But her senses are developing fast. At 26 weeks, fetal brain scans show that babies respond to touch and if you shine a light on your abdomen, your baby will turn her head, which researchers say shows that the optic nerve is functioning. Read more information on your baby's development this week

How your life's changing

Sleep may not feel that restful any more if you're having vivid or scary dreams. These are normal because when you sleep, your subconscious becomes the stage for any worries about pregnancy and impending motherhood. Your growing belly may also make it hard to get into a comfortable position. It's recommended that you get into the habit of sleeping on your side rather than your back -- follow our tips for using pillows to get more comfortable.

Thinking ahead

Many pregnant women worry about whether they will be able to birth their babies vaginally -- a perfectly natural concern, particularly if it is your first. Take heart, there are some excellent positions for labour you can try which not only help your cervix to dilate during contractions but will also encourage the baby to move down the birth canal when the time comes. Using these positions along with established childbirth techniques such as breathing, massage and natural pain relief will increase your chances of a normal delivery.

Pregnancy Tip: Constipation cure

"To ease constipation, add oat bran to anything you can think of such as cereal, yogurt, or even spaghetti sauce. And drink lots too!" -- Kristin


Worried about weight gain or lack of it? You're not alone. Find out how much other moms have put on through our BabyCenter Canada's pregnancy group.

Other hot topics this week

Have a beauty treatment for some mid-pregnancy pampering -- you deserve it!

Try to keep to a healthy eating plan. Your baby's nutritional demands are highest in the last three months.

What is the difference between a birth centre and a labour and delivery unit in a hospital?
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