18 weeks pregnant

Image of a woman and her baby at 18 weeks of pregnancy.
3 Dart, LLC for BabyCenter

How your baby's growing

This week, you officially begin your fifth month of pregnancy. Your baby may have reached 15 cm from crown to rump by now, and he can both feel and hear. Admittedly at the moment, all he can hear is your heartbeat and the flow of your digestive system but soon he'll be able to detect noise outside the womb and identify your voice. Read more information on your baby's development this week.

How your life's changing

You're just a week away from the half-way mark. Pregnancy care is much more relaxed than it used to be, so you're unlikely to see your midwife or doctor often unless you need extra attention. But don't stress over things alone if you're feeling anxious. Our most frequently asked questions on prenatal health, pregnancy complications, and labour and birth may reassure you but don't hesitate to call your doctor or midwife if you're still worried.

However, in the next few weeks you'll probably be offered a second trimester ultrasound. Seeing your baby curled up inside you -- or kicking or rolling -- is immensely moving so take your partner with you if you can. If your pregnancy is problem-free, this may be your last opportunity have an ultrasound. In a very small percentage of cases though, the ultrasound shows problems.

Bigger, more comfortable clothes are a must now. Treat yourself to a new pair of shoes also in a bigger size, your feet will swell along with your body, and pick a low heel for extra stability as your belly grows.

Pregnancy Tip: Afternoon Energy Booster

"By 3pm I'd feel really exhausted at work, so I started eating fruit and a chicken sandwich for lunch and then taking a 15-minute walk. It helped me get through the day." -- Anonymous


Are you expecting multiples? Why not get to know some moms and dads expecting twins in our pregnant with twins or more group.

Other hot topics this week

Calcium! You need more of this mineral and vitamin D to help your baby to grow strong teeth and bones. Follow our tips for sources of these essential nutrients.

Still working out? Find out how to avoid injury and overexertion and check when NOT to exercise.

Is it safe to take a hot baths during pregnancy? Find ou.

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