This is our home
This is Rhode Island's
home for ending
the overdose crisis

On this website, you will find our latest data and helpful resources on overdose. You can learn where to get naloxone, how to get into treatment and find events near you.

We all have a role to play in ending the overdose crisis. What's yours?
Get 24/7 Help:

Call to connect with a counselor at BH Link, 401‑414‑LINK. Hablamos español.

Speak with a healthcare provider about treatment options at Rhode Island's Buprenorphine Hotline, 401‑606‑5456.

Our Action Plan
We have one goal: to save lives
Our state continues to face an overdose crisis. Rhode Island has been a national leader in responding to this crisis but there’s still a lot more to be done. We’re still losing people to overdose. To keep building on our progress and continue to save lives, we’ve updated our plan.

Here’s how our state is saving lives and ending the overdose crisis:

We can stop the harm of drug use by supporting people as early as possible.

FACT : We're helping people keep their prescriptions safe and promoting pain medication alternatives.
Everyone can learn how to use naloxone to help stop an opioid overdose.

FACT :  We have community training every month for anyone who wants to learn how to use naloxone.
Anyone who is ready for treatment can get help when they are ready.

FACT :  BH Link is a 24-hour crisis center and support line where anyone can get help.
We know that recovery from addiction is possible for everyone.

FACT :  We have more recovery support services than ever in our state.



What are opioids?

Opioids are drugs that are causing deadly overdoses in our state. Learn more about the types of opioids and how to stay safe when using them.

Learn More
Preventing opioid overdoses

When a person survives an overdose, it's because someone knew what an overdose looked like and how to take action. Call 9-1-1 immediately if you think someone is overdosing.

Learn More

Community-Centered Naloxone Training Video

Watch this community-centered naloxone training video developed by Project Weber/RENEW to learn the signs of an overdose and how to respond.

Naloxone is completely safe

Naloxone (also known as Narcan®) is a safe to use medicine that can stop an opioid overdose. Learn how to Get Naloxone


You can help us prevent opioid use in our communities. Learn what you can do to help.

Get involved

Anyone who is ready for treatment can get help when they are ready. Find out what treatment type works best for you and then get help.

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