Leaders in Research

New Harvest is a nonprofit research institute that supports open, public cultured meat research. Founded in 2004, we are the world’s longest-running organization dedicated to advancing the field of cellular agriculture.


Our mission is to maximize the positive impact of cellular agriculture.

This means we don’t just want to build the field, we want to build it with integrity. Read why we changed our mission here.



The ends do not justify the means. Our responsibility as a funder, thought leader, and public voice is to always use our power for good.

Informed Optimism

It is important to communicate the promise and progress of cellular agriculture to the world—and to differentiate between the two. Data and evidence must guide us towards realizing our vision.

Inclusive Expertise

Our work cannot change the world unless we uplift new voices and welcome diverse perspectives to shape the field.

Strategies for Impact

People First, Projects Second

The dream of all non-profits is sustained impact. Projects, ideas, and initiatives come and go; what continues is an individual’s drive to make a difference. At the core of each of our programs are individuals who we believe will spark growth and change in cellular agriculture. By focusing on individuals, we are building a community of leaders united by our mission and strengthened by our differences.

Default to Open

By ensuring that the IP assets that we create (publications, images, etc.) are accessible for all to use, re-use, redistribute and build upon, we are multiplying the impact of that asset. Open invites collaboration, discussion, and reflection. All of this is crucial in positively transforming our food system.
We understand that not every piece of content needs to be open. But we choose – as a public charity – to default to open, to push for and establish new norms when it comes to publicly funded research and publicly consumed products.
(that text is modified slightly from the Strategic Plan)


Giving Community

Our work is greater than the sum of its parts thanks to a global giving community which generously contributes funding, expertise, services, and goods to collaboratively realize the change we seek to see in the world.

We pursue a relationship-oriented rather than transactional approach to fundraising and partnership to allow us to remain nimble and independent as we move forward in our work.

Learn more about who has joined our giving community here.


What We Do

Curious how we impact the field of cell ag?

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