New Harvest 2022 June 9 and 10 in NYC

Critical UN climate report demands more safety research for cultured meat

Phase two of New Harvest’s safety initiative will fill in key research gaps, pending donor support.

Published April 4, 2022 | Updated April 5, 2022 | Isha Datar

This morning, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the third and final installment of their sixth assessment report.

Today’s report focuses on solutions, outlining levers policymakers can pull to mitigate the disastrous effects of climate change outlined in part two.

Given that the IPCC cited New Harvest-funded research in their last report, we weren’t surprised to read that they once again identify cultured meat and cellular agriculture as promising ways to reduce GHG emissions from food production (Ch. 12, page 5).

We were, however, pleasantly surprised that the IPCC singles out safety as an area where more research is needed (Ch. 12, page 77). That’s because for the last three months, New Harvest has been putting together phase two of our cultured meat safety initiative

In October of 2021, New Harvest published an open-access, peer-reviewed safety roadmap with Vireo Advisors listing research questions that must be answered to close safety gaps in cultured meat production. Now, we want to build on that work to grow a body of publicly-available safety data about cultured meat.

New Harvest is currently fundraising for phase two of our safety initiative to conduct the very safety research that the IPCC is asking for. If you are a philanthropist, science funder, or philanthropically-minded investor—or know someone who is—please email me at and I will gladly share our safety fundraising proposal.

We’ve spent the last three months strategizing phase two of our safety initiative with no idea that safety, specifically, would be called out in this final IPCC report. For the world’s leading climate scientists to highlight the need for more cultured meat safety research makes phase two all the more important.

We need $276,727 for phase two. With your support we can make headway on a clear, coordinated path to safety.

About the Authors
Isha Datar is Executive Director at New Harvest