Save the date for New Harvest 2022, June 9 and 10 in NYC

After a two-year hiatus, we are bringing back New Harvest’s annual conference. The event will be live and in-person.

April 4, 2022

Critical UN climate report demands more safety research for cultured meat

Phase two of New Harvest’s safety initiative will fill in key research gaps, pending donor support.

we are hiring
March 22, 2022

We’re hiring a community engagement associate

We’re looking for someone who is passionate about storytelling to support our newsletter, content development, and social media.

March 7, 2022

New Harvest’s safety initiative cited in FAO report

In addition to giving cell-based food production its own section, the FAO heavily features New Harvest’s safety paper.

March 2, 2022

New Harvest-funded research cited in latest IPCC report

Cultured meat and cellular agriculture made appearances in the latest IPCC report as ways to limit pressures on finite natural resources.

February 22, 2022

How Did I Become a Cultured Meat Researcher?

Originally published on Irfan’s blog

we are hiring
February 22, 2022

We’re Hiring!

New Harvest is seeking a creative and collaborative Graphic Design Intern to elevate our visual brand and communicate our unique voice.

we are hiring
December 23, 2021

We’re Hiring!

New Harvest is seeking a talented Accounting and Tax Compliance Manager! They will be responsible for overseeing the organization’s day to day financial operations as well as ensuring that we are compliant with government regulations and tax laws in the countries and regions in which we operate.

December 15, 2021

Announcing New Harvest’s cell ag crowdfunding challenge on

We’re teaming up with Robert Downey Jr.’s FootPrint Coalition and the Experiment Foundation to get “unfundable” projects off the ground.

December 15, 2021

The Idiot’s Guide to our Research Portfolio

I have a confession. Even after a year with New Harvest, I still struggle to wrap my head around what all of our 27 research grantees are up to. So many amazing projects, so little time to keep track of them all. I figure if I’m struggling, you might be too! So I created a […]