BabyCenter's award-winning content – including articles, videos, apps, newsletters, and more – is created by our team of experienced editors working with doctors and other qualified healthcare professionals.

Our goal is to give you the best information available, as clearly as possible. When it comes to pregnancy and parenting, we don't believe there's one right way to do things. We aim to give you accurate and fact-based information, including the pros and cons of different approaches, so you can decide what's best for you and your family.

Our websites are used by millions of parents and expecting parents globally, and we're committed to providing the most trustworthy and helpful pregnancy and parenting resources in the world. Our vision is to create a world of healthy pregnancies, thriving children, and confident parents.

Medical review and fact check policy

BabyCenter's health and medical content is reviewed by doctors and other experts on our Medical Advisory Board to make sure it's accurate, complete, and up to date. Our advisory board members include maternal-fetal medicine specialists, ob-gyns, midwives, lactation consultants, pediatricians, pediatric dermatologists, psychologists, and dietitians.

Content that's not related to health, development, or safety is reviewed by BabyCenter's editors and professional fact-checkers to ensure its accuracy.

Sources and recommendations

BabyCenter's content reflects the recommendations of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and other respected medical organizations. These groups publish research and guidelines that are carefully considered and backed by the best evidence available, which is why we echo them in our content.

In addition to guidance from leading medical organizations, our sources include studies published in peer-reviewed journals and reports from government agencies such as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and PreventionFood and Drug Administration, and Consumer Product Safety Commission.

You can see which sources we use by clicking the "Show sources" button at the bottom of our articles. At the top of articles, you'll see the author's byline, the medical reviewer or fact-checker's name, and the date the content was last reviewed. 

Note: BabyCenter has websites in countries around the world (such as BabyCenter CanadaBabyCentre UK, and BabyCenter Brazil). Each BabyCenter site has its own content and relies on guidelines from professional organizations in that country. Different cultures, healthcare systems, and policies all contribute to the guidelines and recommendations followed in other countries.

Content updates

BabyCenter's editors continuously review our content to make sure it's accurate and timely.

We constantly monitor changes in the world of pregnancy, parenting, and children's health. In response to important developments or shifting guidelines, we update our information as quickly as possible. If an error is discovered, we fix it immediately.

Editorial independence

BabyCenter relies on advertising revenue to fund our mission, but maintains full editorial independence. That means that while companies pay to have their ads appear on BabyCenter's pages, they have no influence on how an article is written or what it says.

Ads are labeled "advertisement," and any content specially developed in partnership with an advertiser is clearly marked. We strongly believe you should always know the source of your information. Learn more about our advertising policy.

Product reviews

BabyCenter's product reviews and recommendations are based on our editors' research and the wisdom of parents in the BabyCenter Community. Advertisers do not influence our product recommendations or reviews. We may earn a commission from shopping links. Learn more about our review process.