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Haihuwa Bethlehem (en) Fassara da Nazareth (en) Fassara, 5 "BCE"
ƙasa Herodian Kingdom of Judea (en) Fassara
Mazaunin Nazareth (en) Fassara
Capernaum (en) Fassara
Galilee (en) Fassara
ƙungiyar ƙabila Yahudawa
Harshen uwa Galilean dialect (en) Fassara
Biblical Hebrew (en) Fassara
Mutuwa Calvary (en) Fassara, 7 ga Afirilu, 30
Makwanci tomb of Jesus (en) Fassara
Church of the Holy Sepulchre (en) Fassara
Talpiot Tomb (en) Fassara
Garden Tomb (en) Fassara
empty tomb (en) Fassara
Jerusalem (en) Fassara
Yanayin mutuwa capital punishment (en) Fassara (crucifixion (en) Fassara)
Mahaifi Joseph, God the Father
Mahaifiya Maryamu, mahaifiyar Yesu
Abokiyar zama unknown value
Ma'aurata unknown value
Siblings unknown value da James the Just (en) Fassara
Ƙabila Holy Family (en) Fassara
Makaranta unknown value
no value
Harsuna Galilean dialect (en) Fassara
Biblical Hebrew (en) Fassara
Koine Greek (en) Fassara
Sana'a Mai da'awa, Manzo, carpenter (en) Fassara, rabbi (en) Fassara, thaumaturge (en) Fassara, shugaban addini, healer (en) Fassara, Messiah, Mai da'awa, mai koyarwa, intercession of saints (en) Fassara da founder of a religion (en) Fassara
Wurin aiki Galilee (en) Fassara
Employers unknown value
Muhimman ayyuka miracles of Jesus (en) Fassara
prayers of Jesus (en) Fassara
parable of Jesus (en) Fassara
Wanda ya ja hankalinsa Yahaya mai Baftisma
Mamba Trinity (en) Fassara
Jagoranci apocalypticism (en) Fassara
Artistic movement parable (en) Fassara
Kirsimeti, Easter (en) Fassara da Feasts of the Lord Jesus Christ (en) Fassara
Addini Judaism (en) Fassara
Essenes (en) Fassara
Isa Almasihu/Yesu Kristi.
zanen da kiristoci suke na Annabi Isah tsira da Amincin Allah ya tabbata agaresa


Isah,AlMasihu, Maiceto (hrsh-el|Ἰησοῦς|transl=Iesous); hrsh-he|ישוע|Yēšū́aʿ); -lrbc|عيسى|Annabi Isah) , ansansa da Isah na Nazareth da Isah Mai ceto,( Akwai sunaye da dama da akewa Isah laƙabi dasu a cikin littafi mai tsarki na sabon alƙawari, yakasance malami ne na yahudawa kuma Shugaban addini mai da'awa da ya kasance tun a Karni na daya. Shine mafi daraja dan-Adam a addinin Kiristanci. Yawancin Kirista sunyi imanin shine sura na Dan'adam na Ubangiji da yazo duniya kuma mai ceto da zai dawo a karshen duniya kamar yadda littafi mai tsarki na tsohon alkawari ya tabbatar da Alqurani.

Yawancin Malamai sun yarda da cewar tarihin rayuwa Isah da tarihin sa, [1] [2] kamar yadda Richard A. Burridge yace: "Akwai wadanda suke fadin cewar Isah kawai wani kirkira ne da Coci siffanta shi, suna ganin bawani Isah a zahirin rayuwa. Amma zance bansan wani malami da nake girmamawa ba dana sani, Wanda yake fadin haka a halin yanzu".[3] Robert M. Price bai yarda da cewar antaba yin Isah ba, amma kuma ya yarda cewar wannan ganin ba Malamai dayawa bane suke ganin hakan.[4] James D. G. Dunn yana kiran da'awar cewar ba'a taba yin Isah a rayuwa ba, a matsayin "da'awa data mutu" akabar fadin ta a yanzu.[5] Michael Grant (a classicist) ya rubuta a 1977, "A shekarun nan, 'babu wani malami mai hankali dazai fara cewa babu tarihin samun Isah' ko at any rate very few, and they have not succeeded in disposing of the much stronger, indeed very abundant, evidence to the contrary".[6] Robert E. Van Voorst yafadi cewa Malaman baibul da kwararrun yan'tarihi suna ganin da'awar da muna cewa ba Isah a matsayin wata da'awa da aka karyata ta. dukda cewar Nemansu akan Isah na Tarihi yayi sanadiyar samun karancin yarda akan Tarihan Dogaro Da Baibul da kuma yadda akayi kokarin zanen Isahn acikin baibul dayayi kama da Isah na Tarihi.[7] Ehrman ya rubuta: "The notion that the Gospel accounts are not completely accurate but still important for the religious truths they try to convey is widely shared in the scholarly world, even though it's not so widely known or believed outside of it."[8] efn|Sanders writes: "The earliest Christians did not write a narrative of Jesus' life, but rather made use of, and thus preserved, individual units—short passages about his words and deeds. These units were later moved and arranged by authors and editors. ... Some material has been revised and some created by early Christians."[9] Jesus was a Galilean Jew[10] who was baptized by John the Baptist and subsequently began his own ministry, preaching his message orally[11] and often being referred to as "rabbi".[12] Jesus debated with fellow Jews on how to best follow God, engaged in healings, taught in parables and gathered followers.[13][14] He was arrested and tried by the Jewish authorities,[15] turned over to the Roman government, and was subsequently crucified on the order of Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect.[16] After his death, his followers believed he rose from the dead, and the community they formed eventually became the early Church.

Koyarwar kirista ta tabbatar da imani da yarda da haihuwar Isah sanadiyar ruhine da aka cusa a cikin Mahaifiyarsa ta hannun Holy Spirit, was born of a virgin named Mary, yana nuna miracles, yasamar da coci, yarasu sanadiyar gicciye shi da akayi, a matsayin sadaukar dashi dan cimma atonement, yatashi bayan yamutu, sannan ascended zuwa Heaven, daga nan ne will return. yawancin Christians believe Jesus enables people to be reconciled to God. The Nicene Creed asserts that Jesus will judge the living and the dead[17] either before or after their bodily resurrection,[18][19][20] an event tied to the Second Coming of Jesus in Christian eschatology.[21] The great majority of Christians worship Jesus as the incarnation of God the Son, the second of three persons of the Trinity. A minority of Christian denominations reject Trinitarianism, wholly or partly, as non-scriptural.

Jesus also figures in non-Christian religions and new religious movements. In Islam, Jesus (commonly transliterated as (transl|ar|ISO|[[Isa (name)|Isa])) is considered one of God's important prophets and the Messiah.[22][23][24] Muslims believe Jesus was a bringer of scripture and was born of a virgin, but was not the Son of God. The Quran states that Jesus himself never claimed divinity.[25] Most Muslims do not believe that he was crucified, but believe that he was physically raised into Heaven by God. In contrast, Judaism rejects the belief that Jesus was the awaited Messiah, arguing that he did not fulfill Messianic prophecies, and was neither divine nor resurrected.[26]

wanda kiristoci masu amfani da harshen Hausa suke kira Yesu Kristi Annabi ne daga cikin annabawan Allah. Uwarsa Maryama ta haife shi ba tare da tayi aure ba. Shi Almasihu ruhin Allah ne. Amma a wani gefen kiristoci masu amfani da harshen Hausa sun dauki Almasihu a matsayin dan Allah. Ga al'ummar Hausawa Musulmi, Yesu shine Annabi Isa (Alaihissalam). Sai dai su Musulmi ba su yarda a suranïta annabawa ba don haka Kiristoci masu amfani da Harshen Hausa ne kawai suke gane wannan suna Annabi isah shine wanda Allah.Yabashi littafin (Ingila)Wanda kiristoci suke kiranta da(Bible).A addinin musulunci an bada tarihi a karshen zamani annabi isah zai dawo duniya domin yakashe .[Dajjal].

Manazarta[gyara sashe | Gyara masomin]

  1. efn |name=exist|In a 2011 review of the state of modern scholarship, Bart Ehrman wrote, "He certainly existed, as virtually every competent scholar of antiquity, Christian or non-Christian, agrees".
  2. cite book|first=Bart|last=Ehrman|year=2011|title=Forged: writing in the name of God – Why the Bible's Authors Are Not Who We Think They Are|isbn=978-0-06-207863-6 |url= |publisher=HarperCollins |page=285
  3. cite book|title=Jesus Now and Then|first1= Richard A.|last1= Burridge |first2= Graham |last2= Gould|year=2004| isbn= 978-0-8028-0977-3 |page=34 |publisher=Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing
  4. cite encyclopedia|first=Robert M. |last=Price |title=Jesus at the Vanishing Point|encyclopedia= The Historical Jesus: Five Views|editor-last1= Beilby|editor-last2= Eddy|year= 2009 |publisher= InterVarsity| isbn= 978-0-8308-7853-6 | editor-first= James K.|pages=55, 61 |url= |editor2-first= Paul R.
  5. cite encyclopedia|title=Paul's understanding of the death of Jesus|encyclopedia=Sacrifice and Redemption|first= Stephen W.|last= Sykes |year=2007| publisher= Cambridge University Press| isbn= 978-0-521-04460-8|pages=35–36
  6. cite book|first=Michael|last=Grant|title=Jesus: An Historian's Review of the Gospels|publisher=Scribner's|year=1977|isbn=978-0-684-14889-2|page=200
  7. sfn|Powell|1998|pp=168–73
  8. Bart D. Ehrman, MDiv, PhD. Historical Jesus. 'Prophet of the New Millennium.' Course handbook, p. 10 (Lecture Three. V. B.) The Teaching Company, 2000, Lecture 24
  9. sfn|Sanders|1993|p=57
  10. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Vermes 1981
  11. cite book|first = James D. G. |last = Dunn |title= The Oral Gospel Tradition |publisher= Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing |year = 2013 | pages= 290–91
  12. cite web |title =International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Online |editor=James Orr|year=1939|publisher=Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.|url=
  13. sfn|Levine|2006|p=4
  14. cite book|last1=Charlesworth|first1=James H.|title=The Historical Jesus: An Essential Guide|date=2008|page=113|url=
  15. sfn|Sanders|1993|p=11
  16. sfn|Levine|2006|p=4
  17. Cite encyclopedia |last=Wilhelm |first=Joseph |title=The Nicene Creed |encyclopedia=The Catholic Encyclopedia |volume=11 |publisher=Robert Appleton Company |date=1911 |url=
  18. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Oxford Companion
  19. cite web | first = James | last = Tabor | publisher = UNCC | url = | title = What the Bible Says About Death, Afterlife, and the Future| date = 2013-03-2
  20. cite book| last = Hoekema|first= Anthony A. |year=1994 |title= The Bible and the Future | publisher= Eerdmans Publishing | pages = 88–89 |url= 978085364624
  21. cite book|title = Systematic Theology, Volume 2, Second Edition: Biblical, Historical, and Evangelical | first= James L. |last= Garrett |publisher= Wipf and Stock Publishers |year= 2014 | url = |page= 766| isbn= 9781625648525
  22. cite web|url= |title=Quran 3:46–158 |archiveurl= |archivedate=May 1, 2015 |deadurl=yes |df=
  23. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named CEI
  24. cite book |last=Siddiqui |first=Mona |title=Christians, Muslims, and Jesus |publisher=Yale University Press |year=2013 |authorlink = Mona Siddiqui |url=,+Muslims,+and+Jesus#v=onepage&q=Christians%2C%20Muslims%2C%20and%20Jesus%7Cisbn=978-0300169706
  25. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Morgan
  26. cite web|url = = Jesus of Nazareth|date = |access-date = |website = Jewish Encyclopedia|publisher = |last = Jacobs|first = Joseph|last2 = Kohler|first2 = Kaufmann|last3 = Gottheil|first3 = Richard|last4 = Krauss|first4 = Samuel
