Security, Performance, and Reliability - all in one package

Development platform for serverless applications and JAMstack websites
Cloudflare Workers
Deploy serverless code instantly across the globe
Workers KV
Provides access to a secure low latency key-value store at all of our data centers
Cloudflare Pages
JAMstack platform for frontend developers to collaborate and deploy websites
Get more from Cloudflare’s Development Platform
Take your serverless applications even further with Workers’ paid add-ons for Workers Free and Workers Paid plans.
Image Resizing

Resize images for a variety of device types and connections from a single-source master image. Images can be manipulated by dimensions, compression ratios, and format (AVIF and WebP conversion where supported).

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50,000 monthly resizing requests included with Pro, Business. $9 per additional 50,000 resizing requests.
Video Streaming

Cloudflare Stream makes streaming high quality video at scale, easy and affordable.

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Starting at $5 per month
Cloudflare for SaaS

Cloudflare for SaaS is our fast, secure, reliable, and cost-effective solution for SaaS businesses looking to provide their services to their customers’ vanity domains that are accessed from around the world. It keeps your end customers protected by automatically issuing TLS certificates for their domains.

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Currently in beta
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Deploy applications instantly across the globe.